The honor code

Tutorlancer’s Honor Code represents how we are for high academic standards and academic integrity in our services.

It speaks of the expectations of students, freelancers and businesses from the best essay writing services in US and declares our position in keeping the highest corporate integrity and standards of academic wing.

Tutorlancers honor code

Our experts guides and notes should not be used as final projects, as it is used to study and research purposes. We do not condone or endorse plagiarism, any form of cheating, fraud, and getting unearned degrees or grades.

We are against:

  • Cheating
  • Plagiarism
  • Impersonation
  • Fraud

Tutorlancer’s tutors and freelancers do not take quizzes, and tests for students. It applies for academic cheating, plagiarism or anything that is prohibited by the college or university academic policy. If a tutor writes essay for money knowingly or deliberately fosters cheating, we shall remove them from Tutorlancers platform.

Our business honor code details

We do not support any sort of corporate fraud, dishonesty and illegality. We encourage our users to stay alert and report any form of violation and engagement in illegal activity and we shall remove the user from the platform immediately.

Message to students

Tutorlancers understands the pain students undergo and the ability to balance work and school life. Despite the pressures, engaging in academic fraud or dishonesty is not the solution.

Students must avoid using the Tutorlancers platform to engage in any activity that risks the academic institutional policies.

Therefore, you are not allowed to take academic materials from the platform, whether it is from our freelance tutors or writers and use it as their own.

Message to business

Tutorlancers gives all the platform users the chance to ask a professional expert to write for them. However, you should note that must not violate your business policies.

Business owners or their representatives are barred from using Tutorlancers to propagate any illegal activity.

Business owners or their representatives are prohibited from using the platform freelancers from committing any sort of fraud.

Message to teachers and learning institutions

We understand your vital role in propagating lifelong learning integrity. We are here to ensure the academic honesty reflects in your study groups and institutions by report any case of academic cheating to our platform.

Message to Freelancers

Tutorlancers is a platform that gives you the chance to write for businesses students, colleges and universities. All tutors or freelancers are prohibited from violating any learning institutions policies.

List of forbidden tasks

  • Making of fake financial or governmental records
  • Creation of government documents
  • Impersonation
  • Preparation of college work and presenting it as their work or without credit.
  • Any activity that breaks the academic corporate laws and policies.

What you get from our essay writing service

Basic features
  • Free title page and bibliography
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Plagiarism-free guarantee
  • Money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 support
On-demand options
  • Writer’s samples
  • Part-by-part delivery
  • Overnight delivery
  • Copies of used sources
  • Expert Proofreading
Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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