Tina jones HEENT shadow health assessment transcript

Tina jones HEENT shadow health assessment transcript

Tina jones HEENT shadow health assessment transcript



Started: May 17, 2020 | Total Time:96 min
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Hello. My name is xxx. I will be interviewing you today and then conduct a physical exam.

05/29/20 6:31 PM EDT

Tina Jones
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May i know your name please?

05/29/20 6:31 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Tina Jones.
Your avatar
What brings you the the Clinic today Tina?

05/29/20 6:31 PM EDT

Tina Jones
My throat has been sore… and itchy. And my nose won’t stop running. These symptoms are driving me nuts.
Your avatar
Am sorry to hear that

05/29/20 6:32 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I appreciate you telling me that.
Your avatar
How long have you had these symptoms?

05/29/20 6:32 PM EDT

Tina Jones
My itchy eyes, runny nose, and sore throat all started a week ago. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
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Have you ever had these symptoms before?

05/29/20 6:33 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
How severe is your sore throat?

05/29/20 6:36 PM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s not… terrible. I mean, it hurts a little. Like, mild to moderate. The main thing is that it won’t go away.
Your avatar
Is the sore throat constant

05/29/20 6:36 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, it’s sore pretty much all the time.
Your avatar
can you describe the pain?

05/29/20 6:38 PM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s really sore, and it itches a lot, like in the back.
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how would you rate te pain on a scale of 0 to 10 ?

05/29/20 6:38 PM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s like a 4 out of 10, maybe.
Your avatar
Does the pain radiate?

05/29/20 6:38 PM EDT

Tina Jones
No, it’s just in my throat.
Your avatar
What do you think is casing the sore throat?

05/29/20 6:39 PM EDT

Tina Jones
At first I thought I was getting sick, or a cold or something, but now it doesn’t seem like that. My throat hasn’t gotten worse, but it’s not going away either.
Your avatar
Does anything make the throat feel better?

05/29/20 6:40 PM EDT

Tina Jones
All I’ve done is suck on some throat drops. And I’ve been drinking more water, which helps.
Your avatar
Does anything make the pain worse?

05/29/20 6:41 PM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s a little worse in the morning, but that’s really the only pattern I’ve noticed.
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Do you have any other symptoms associated with the sore throat? (No matching questions found.)

05/29/20 6:43 PM EDT

Your avatar
do you have any nasal discharge?

05/29/20 6:43 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Yes, it won’t stop running!
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Your avatar
Do you take any over the counter medications?

05/29/20 6:50 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I’ve been trying throat drops lately. In general, I take Tylenol for a headache sometimes, or Advil for cramps, but not often.
Your avatar
How often do you get headaches?

05/29/20 6:51 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Maybe once a week? I usually do a lot of my school work at once, so I’ll study for like, 5 or 6 hours. I usually end up with a headache by the end of the night.
Your avatar
How would you rate these headaches?

05/29/20 6:51 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Not too bad. . . I’d say about 3. Or a 4 if I really push it.
Your avatar
What helps your headache?

05/29/20 6:51 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I just take some acetaminophen. The gel kind, 500 mg. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
Does anything make your headache worse?

05/29/20 6:52 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Usually they get worse if I don’t stop studying. I try to take a break when they start most of the time, but if I have a test or something coming up, I just have to try and ignore it.
Your avatar
How long have you had these headaches?

05/29/20 6:52 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I’m not sure — Maybe over the last year or so.
Your avatar
Do you take any herbal supplements?

05/29/20 6:53 PM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I don’t take anything herbal.
Your avatar
Do you take any prescription medications?

05/29/20 6:53 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Do you take vitamins?

05/29/20 7:21 PM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I don’t take any vitamins.
Your avatar
Are your immunizations up to date?

05/29/20 7:22 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I’m pretty sure I am, yeah.
Your avatar
What side effects did you have with metformin?

05/29/20 7:23 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I felt sick and gassy all the time. It was really uncomfortable.
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When you get side effects that you cannot tolerate, you should speak to your doctor for alternatives and also confirm if they react with other medicatiobs

05/29/20 7:25 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Alright, thanks for letting me know.
Your avatar
Are you allergic to medications?

05/29/20 7:28 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, I’m allergic to penicillin.
Your avatar
Do you have seasonal allergies?

05/29/20 7:28 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Well, no. I mean, I never had allergies to pollen or anything outdoors like that. . . But my nose is acting just like my sister’s right now, and she’s always had hay fever. I’m starting to think that this is allergies.
Your avatar
Do you have food allergies? Are you allergic to latex? (Clarified to Do you have food allergies?.)

05/29/20 7:29 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Nope, no food allergies that I know of. (Clarified to if I have food allergies.)
Your avatar
Do you smoke cigarettes?

05/29/20 7:32 PM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life.
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Do you take alcohol? (No matching questions found.)

05/29/20 7:32 PM EDT

Your avatar
Do you drink alcohol?

05/29/20 7:33 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I do sometimes, yeah, when I go out with my friends.
Your avatar
How many drinks do you take when you go out? (Clarified to How many drinks do you have when you go out at night?.)

05/29/20 7:33 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Like, two or three drinks. If I have more than two or three drinks, I feel like hell the next day, so I stop at three. (Clarified to how many alcoholic drinks I have when I go out.)
Your avatar
Thats moderate drinking which is ok.

05/29/20 7:34 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for telling me.
Your avatar
What type of alcohol do you take?

05/29/20 7:34 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I usually get rum and diet Coke. I don’t know why that matters.
Your avatar
Different drinks have different alcohol levels, thats why i asked.

05/29/20 7:35 PM EDT

Tina Jones
OK, I understand.
Your avatar
How is your family medical history?

05/29/20 7:35 PM EDT

Tina Jones
My mom has some issues, and I think some of my grandparents did, too.
Your avatar
What health issues does your mother have?

05/29/20 7:35 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Mom has high cholesterol and blood pressure, I think. She seems to be doing okay though.
Your avatar
What medical issues does your father have? (Clarified to Tell me about your dad’s health?.)

05/29/20 7:36 PM EDT

Tina Jones
He passed last year. (Clarified to what health issues my dad has.)
Your avatar
Am sorry to hear that

05/29/20 7:36 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for understanding.
Your avatar
did your father have any medical conditions?

05/29/20 7:37 PM EDT

Tina Jones
He had high blood pressure and cholesterol, and diabetes too…the same kind as me.
Your avatar
What health issues does your maternal grandmother have?

05/29/20 7:37 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Nana had high blood pressure and cholesterol, I think.
Your avatar
What issues does you maternal grandfather have?

05/29/20 7:38 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Poppa died of a heart attack when he was 80. . . he had some blood pressure and cholesterol issues when he was alive, too.
Your avatar
What health issues does you paternal grand mother have?

05/29/20 7:38 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Granny’s doing good. She’s still living on her own. She’s slowing down, but we help her out. She lives down the street from us, and she gets around okay. I think she takes some pills, maybe for blood pressure? She might have high cholesterol too. She seems happy.
Your avatar
What health issues does your paternal grandfather have?

05/29/20 7:39 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Grandpa Jones had colon cancer, and that caused all kinds of problems for him. Plus, he had high blood pressure, and…I’m pretty sure he had diabetes.
Your avatar
how did you cope with your fathers death?

05/29/20 7:39 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Well, right after he died, after the funeral and everything, I just tried to get through that. Mom was having such a hard time, crying a lot, everything made her sad, she was kinda depressed. So I guess at first I just focused on getting things done–groceries, laundry, insurance papers and stuff. Knowing that Mom needed me kinda helped me get through day by day. There was about a month where it was hard for us to get to church. Even getting up and ready for church was too overwhelming. But our church family helped us out, and gave us rides to church and brought meals and all that, so they really helped build us back up. Things were only hard like that for a few months.
Your avatar
Seems you have a strong support system which is great.

05/29/20 7:40 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
What health conditions does your sister have?

05/29/20 7:41 PM EDT

Tina Jones
She’s pretty healthy. She has asthma too, but she almost never has attacks.
Your avatar
what health conditions does your brother have?

05/29/20 7:41 PM EDT

Tina Jones
None that I know of. He’s got some extra weight on him, I guess.
Your avatar
Anyone one with an obesity problem in your family?

05/29/20 7:45 PM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I don’t think so. My brother and my dad are kind of big, but I wouldn’t say they were obese or anything.
Your avatar
Any one with alcoholism problem in the family?

05/29/20 7:46 PM EDT

Tina Jones
One person in the family, my dad’s brother, has an alcohol problem, but we never see him.
Your avatar
What work do you do?

05/29/20 7:47 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I’m a supervisor at Mid-American Copy & Ship. I’ve been working there since high school, and I’ve just kept moving up.
Your avatar
Am happy to hear that your job is fine and you are doing well

05/29/20 7:47 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for understanding.
Your avatar
What is your highest level of education?

05/29/20 7:48 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Well, I’m finishing up my Bachelor’s degree right now.
Your avatar
What is your Major?

05/29/20 7:48 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I’m going to get my bachelor’s in accounting.
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Tina Jones
I really haven’t travelled that much…I’ve always wanted to go to France but I’ve never even been out of the country. I’m always busy with work or school anyway though. We used to go on some family vacations when I was younger, but they were usually just to see some family in other states.
Your avatar
Am sure when you get less busy, you will travel more

05/29/20 7:52 PM EDT

Tina Jones
I appreciate you saying that.
Your avatar
Have you been wheezing?

05/29/20 7:52 PM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I haven’t been wheezing this week.
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Please let me examine you now. (No matching questions found.)

05/29/20 7:53 PM EDT

Your avatar
Please let me examine you now.

05/29/20 7:53 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Sure, I think I understand what you mean.
Your avatar
Inspected general face

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:57 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected forehead and scalp

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected nose and mouth

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected left side of face

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected back of head

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected right side of face

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected general face

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected right side of face

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected general face

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected nose and mouth

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected forehead and scalp

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected nose and mouth

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:58 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected right orbital area and sclera

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:59 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected lower conjunctiva

Exam Action
05/29/20 7:59 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected upper conjunctiva

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:00 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected upper conjunctiva

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:00 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected left orbital area and sclera

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:00 PM EDT

Your avatar
Performed otoscopic examination of right naris

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:00 PM EDT

Your avatar
Performed otoscopic examination of left naris

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:01 PM EDT

Your avatar
Performed otoscopic examination of right ear

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:02 PM EDT

Your avatar
Performed otoscopic examination of left ear

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:02 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected mouth

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:03 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected mouth: pushed tongue left with tongue blade

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:04 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspect mouth: pushed tongue right with tongue blade

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:04 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspect mouth: lifted tongue with tongue blade

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:04 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected mouth: depressed tongue with tongue blade

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:04 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected front of neck

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:06 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected left side of neck

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:06 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected back of neck

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:06 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected right side of neck

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:06 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected back of neck

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:06 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected right side of neck

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:07 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected front of neck

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:07 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected right side of neck

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:07 PM EDT

Your avatar
Inspected front of neck

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:07 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated scalp: No balding or thinning hair distribution, no masses, no tenderness reported

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:07 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated maxillary sinuses: No tenderness reported

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:08 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated frontal sinuses: No tenderness reported

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:08 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated temporal arteries bilaterally: Right: no thrill, 2+ / Left: no thrill, 2+

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:08 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated right carotid artery: No thrill, 2+

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:10 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated left carotid artery: No thrill, 2+

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:10 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated jaw: Full range of motion, no popping or clicking

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:11 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated axillary lymph nodes: Not palpable

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:11 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated supraclavicular lymph nodes: Not palpable

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:12 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated lymph nodes of head and neck: Not palpable

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:12 PM EDT

Your avatar
Palpated thyroid gland: No nodules, not enlarged, no irregularities, no tenderness reported

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:12 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right middle lobe

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left mid-chest (upper lobe)

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left mid-back (lower lobe)

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe on side

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe near spine

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:13 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe near spine

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:14 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe on side

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:14 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:14 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right mid-back (lower lobe)

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:14 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:14 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated right temporal pulse

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:14 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated left temporal pulse

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:14 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated right carotid pulse

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:15 PM EDT

Your avatar
Auscultated left carotid pulse

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:15 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tested left pupillary reaction with penlight

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:16 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tested right pupillary reaction with penlight

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:16 PM EDT

Your avatar
Follow my finger with just your eyes

05/29/20 8:17 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Tested EOM to the upper right

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:17 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tested EOM to the lower right

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:17 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tested EOM to the lower center

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:17 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tested convergence to the center

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:17 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tested EOM to the upper center

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:17 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tested EOM to the upper left

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:17 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tested EOM to the lower left

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:17 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tell me when you can no loner see

05/29/20 8:18 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Ok, I will.
Your avatar
Tested peripheral vision

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:18 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Examined fundus of right eye with ophthalmoscope

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:20 PM EDT

Your avatar
Examined fundus of left eye with ophthalmoscope

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:21 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Is the volume the same in both ears or louder in one ear

05/29/20 8:24 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Tina Jones
Same in both ears.
Your avatar
Performed Weber test with tuning fork

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:25 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tell me when you no longer hear the ringing

05/29/20 8:25 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Ok, I will.
Tina Jones
Your avatar

05/29/20 8:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar

05/29/20 8:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar

05/29/20 8:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Performed whisper test in right ear

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:26 PM EDT

Your avatar

05/29/20 8:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar

05/29/20 8:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar

05/29/20 8:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Performed whisper test in left ear

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:27 PM EDT

Your avatar
Tested gag reflex with tongue blade

Exam Action
05/29/20 8:27 PM EDT

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