Coursework: Essay UMCDQ3-15 ACADEMIC and PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT- Assessment brief

Coursework: Essay UMCDQ3-15 ACADEMIC and PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT- Assessment brief

Coursework: Essay UMCDQ3-15 ACADEMIC and PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT- Assessment brief

The Brief
The portfolio is divided into two parts. Part A is a collection of three 500-word written assignments,
informed by the academic skills development portion of the module and designed to help you to
practice 3 distinct writing styles/assignments. You will be expected to submit the following:
1) A short literature review on the importance of employability for graduates
2) A mini reflection on how you can develop your own employability in order to secure a
graduate role
3) An analysis of an organisation’s graduate recruitment, focusing on what are the key
requirements they expect potential candidates to possess.
There will be a specific session in the workshops where we will cover each assignment, after which
you will be able to focus on producing the individual task. You will be required to submit all 3 pieces
of written work together via blackboard. Tutors will not be able to read your drafts, but can answer
specific questions and give you suggestions on how to create a good structure/plan for each.
Part B (1500 words) focuses on your employability, and is designed to help you develop the skills
needed to identify future opportunities in terms of employment, study etc., and to enable you to
apply for a graduate job. Your submission for Part B will comprise of four items:
 The relevant job advert or course description
 A CV and covering letter to accompany, tailored to suit the specific job advert you have
selected (or PG course you wish to apply for).
 An outline of your desired graduate role and a supporting template showing whether and
how you meet the job specification for the role
 A detailed development plan showing what you will do to acquire any skills or professional
accreditation that might be required and you feel should be strengthened.
This must be written and submitted as one word document, which must not exceed 3000 words in
Assignment Guidance.
Part A (70%) and Part B (30%) must be submitted via Blackboard as a single word document of no
more than 3000 words.

Part A (70%)
Theory & Literature Evidence of reflection and
analysis of strengths &
weakness for graduate role

Evaluation of ‘desired’
graduate labour market &
needs of employers

Structure & Referencing

70+ Clear and balanced
understanding of the topics
Excellent use of course
materials (not too much or
little) and clear evidence of
wider reading of academic
and trade press sources.
Will have conducted own
literature searches.

Specific examples used to
produce a highly focused and
insightful reflection, learning
and future action.
Examples are well-chosen yet
concise. Not too much
Very good balance between
theory and practice
Clearly and explicitly answers
the brief.

Demonstrates excellent
understanding of the
graduate labour market and
the needs of employers in
relation to new graduates
Views and opinions are
clearly and consistently

The report has a clear,
informative introduction
and discussion. Ideas are
marshalled coherently,
with arguments logically
progressed throughout
the piece.
Writing style is clear,
succinct and has an
appropriately academic
Referencing is complete,
accurate and follows the
Harvard protocol.

60 – 69 Shows evidence of reading
and an ability to draw on
this to construct a
generally convincing
report. Understands the
cited material.
Good use of course
materials and some
evidence of wider reading
of academic sources.
Will have conducted own
literature searches.

Specific examples used to
produce a focused reflection
and awareness/learning.
Examples are good and
generate understanding.
Good balance between
theory and practice, perhaps
could be more literature-
Answers the brief

Demonstrates understanding
but does not consistently
locate their discussion in
contemporary debates
Views and opinions are
readily expressed but not
consistently supported/

The report follows a clear
structure with an
introduction, main
arguments and
discussion. Occasionally
discussion is not
coherently linked
Writing style is clear with
some grammatical errors
or non-academic habits.

50 – 59 Some evidence of reading
although not always used
effectively and/or wider
reading needed.
May use technical language
without showing full
Predominantly core
materials, sometimes used
quite well but could go
deeper into cited sources.

There is evidence of some
questioning and standing
back. However the work is in
need of more in depth
analyses in places.
Examples are good yet veer
toward description, and away
from integrating literature.
Balance between theory and
practice leaning toward the
Addresses the brief

Relatively descriptive and
fails to consistently engage in
meaningful discussion of the
graduate labour market and
the needs of employers
Numerous statements are
made without sufficient
justification or links to
relevant theories or

There is an introduction
and concluding remarks
but there may be some
structural weaknesses,
for example, illogical
flow, limited signposting,
and the lack of a
coherent argument.
Referencing does not
always follow Harvard
style and/or there are
some inaccuracies.

40 – 49 Limited use of literature.
Often sources were not
suitably academic.
Uses technical language
but not showing full
Uses mainly core materials
without expanding much

Statements are largely a
descriptive account.
Examples are briefly
reviewed and not
consistently developed in
Content and substance are
limited in places with little
evidence of any reflective
and analytical skills.
Missing the point of the work

  • could do more to address
    the brief

Includes an attempt to
answer the question set
however this is done in a
In places there are
unjustified or sparse
expression of views and
opinions with limited use of
relevant theories and

Structure is muddled and
/or introduction and
conclusions have been
omitted or are
Writing style is generally
clear although contains
numerous errors and a
non-academic tone.
Referencing does not
follow Harvard style
and/or there are major
inaccuracies / omissions.

35 – 39
Insufficient evidence of
reading and significant

Mainly or purely descriptive
commentary with few and/or

Fails to sufficiently address
the question set and does

The work is not
presented in a suitable

l fail) errors in understanding.
Broad reference to topics,
but very little clear
engagement with core or
extra materials.

weak examples and limited
Little or no evidence of
reflection or analysis.
Needs to more explicitly
address the brief.

not engage with detailed and
varied debate.
The views and opinions are
unsubstantiated with weak
and/or no support from
relevant theories and

format, and fails to
follow the advice given
around the structure of a
The work is poorly
written and/or unclear
Major errors in

< 34% Almost no evidence of
reading and significant
errors in understanding.
Very poor understanding of
the topics, and very little
evidence of engagement
with core or extra

No analysis or reflection with
very poor, very few,
irrelevant or no illustrations
or examples.
Does not address the brief.

Fails to address the question
set and does not engage with
detailed and varied debate.
Unsupported views, opinions
and assertions are expressed
leading to poor judgements

The work is not
presented in a suitable
format, and fails to
follow the advice given
around the structure of a
The work is poorly
written and/or unclear
Major errors in

Part B (30%)
Mark CV Cover Letter Skills Outline PDP
100 An excellent and
extremely well-
developed CV,
evidencing relevant
skills, knowledge and
experience to a very
high standard.

An excellent cover
letter, fully tailored to
meet the role’s
requirements and
demonstrate the
candidate’s suitability

All skills from the role
are outlined fully and
equally pertinent
examples from the
candidate’s background
are presented

An excellent PDP, with
extremely clear
objectives, specific
action plan, resources
required and possible
sources for support,
fully linked to the role.

80 A very good and well-
developed CV,
evidencing relevant
skills, knowledge and
experience to a high

A very good cover
letter, tailored to a very
good standard to meet
the role’s requirements
and demonstrate the
candidate’s suitability

Almost all skills from the
role are outlined and
pertinent examples
from the candidate’s
background are
presented to a very
good standard

A very good PDP with
quite clear objectives, a
sound action plan,
resources required and
sources of support,
linked to the role to a
very good extent

60 A good and reasonably
developed CV,
evidencing relevant
skills, knowledge and
experience to a good

A good cover letter,
tailored to a good
standard to meet the
role’s requirements and
demonstrate the
candidate’s suitability

Most skills from the
roles are outlined and
pertinent examples
from the candidate’s
background presented
to a good standard.

A good PDP, with mostly
clear objectives, a
reasonable action plan,
resources required and
sources of support,
linked to the role to a
good extent

40 An adequately
developed CV,
evidencing relevant
skills, knowledge and
experience to a pass

An adequate cover
letter, tailored to a basic
standard to meet the
role’s requirement and
demonstrate the
candidate’s suitability

Some of the skills from
the role are outlined
and a few pertinent
examples from the
candidate’s background
are presented to a basic

An adequate PDP, with
adequate objectives, an
acceptable action plan,
resources required and
sources of support,
loosely linked with the

20 An inadequately
developed CV, not
evidencing relevant
skills, knowledge and
experience to an

An inadequate cover
letter, not tailored
sufficiently to meet the
role’s requirements and
demonstrates the

Inadequate cover of the
skills outlined in the role
and subpar examples
from the candidate’s
background are

Inadequate PDP, lacking
in terms of specific
objectives, acceptable
action plan, resources
required and sources of

acceptable submission. candidate’s suitability presented. support. Not linked with

the role.

0 Incomplete or non-
submission, failing to
completely meet the
required task

Incomplete or non-
submission, failing to
completely meet the
required task

Incomplete or non-
submission, failing to
completely meet the
required task

Incomplete or non-
submission, failing to
completely meet the
required task

Formative Feedback and within Module Assignment Support
Formative feedback provides opportunities to reflect on your ongoing work and preparation for your
assignment. This is given within your tutorials which run every week; all students are timetabled to be
able to attend one of these. Tutorials will include some work on the assignment, this will include:
how to answer the question, what is expected of you, assistance with writing, and
constructing/planning your answers, so please:
 DO attend all tutorials
 You can also arrange to discuss your assignment with your seminar tutor (however, we do
not read drafts)
All work should be word processed in 12 point font Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial and double
Please use the following file format(s): .doc / .docx (please note that files submitted in formats
associated with Apple Mac computers are not able to be opened, and thus, not able to be marked. It
is your responsibility to ensure that you submit your coursework in the appropriate format)
Please ensure that you provide the following details on the first page of your coursework:
 Student ID Number
 Module Name and Code
 Word Count
Word Limit
 The word limit for part A is 1500 words with an additional 1500 words for Part B. Writing
beyond this maximum limit will not be read or marked
 Word count includes everything in the main body of the essay (including headings, tables,
citations, quotes, lists, acronyms and numbers expressed as digits or in words. etc.)
 The reference/ bibliography pages and any Appendix at the end are excluded from the word
 Appendices are not expected, if you do decide to use appendices remember these will NOT
be marked. The marker may or may not refer to the Appendices: do not depend upon
material contained in Appendices to develop the discussion in the main body of your essay.
You can view the UWE word count policy here:
Please ensure you adhere to the principles of good academic practice and ensure you use the UWE
Harvard system to reference your work. Failure to properly reference your work to original source
material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may result in failure of the
assessment or have more serious implications.
For further guidance on correct referencing go to:
a. The best essays have something to say: the essay as a whole is an argument that shows that you

Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found here:
For general guidance on how to avoid assessment offences see:
Instructions for submission
You must submit your assignment before the stated deadline by electronic submission
through Blackboard. Notification that the electronic submission portal is open for your assignment is
displayed (usually two weeks before the submission date) in the Coursework tab in myUWE, the
Assignment Coursework tab in Blackboard and via an announcement in the Blackboard course.
Please allow enough time to upload your assignment, noting that the system becomes busier and
slower as the deadline approaches. Only your final upload will be counted. Ensure all your
information is submitted at one attempt to avoid ‘overwriting’ your intended submission. Always
check and retain your receipts.
Late submission in the 24 hours following the deadline will be accepted but the assignment mark will
be capped at 40%. Submissions after 24 hours will not be accepted. For full guidance on online
submission through Blackboard, see:
Submissions of coursework by any other method (including a paper copy, on disk or by email) are
NOT permissible for this module unless specifically agreed in advance of the submission date.
Before submitting your work, please ensure that:
 You have proof read you work thoroughly to ensure your work is presented appropriately
 You have addressed all the required elements of the assessment
 You have referenced in accordance with the guidance provided
 You have addressed each of the marking criterion
 The submission is in the correct format
Safe Assign
Make sure you submit your own work and do not plagiarise from other sources or students. All
modules within FBL have the option to use Safe Assign software. Safe Assign will compare you work
to those of other students (current and past) as well as other materials available on internet. UWE
will act if Safe Assign suggests your work includes material that is ‘copied’ from other sources.
Final feedback and marks release
Students will normally receive marks and feedback on their submission within 20 working days of the
submission deadline (not including any public holidays or closure days). Any delay in returning
students’ work will be communicated by the module leader via Blackboard. Your individual
submission will receive comments on your script and feedback on the marking scheme (see below).
Additionally, following the release of marks we offer students’ the opportunity to meet on a 1to1
basis with their first marker to build their understanding of their feedback and marks.
Personal Circumstances
If you are experiencing difficulties in completing a piece of assessment on time due to unexpected
circumstances (for example illness, accident, bereavement), you should seek advice from a Student
Support Adviser at the earliest opportunity.

Please note the module leader cannot grant personal circumstances or extensions.
Appointments with a student adviser can be made via an Information Point or online at:
The Student Support Adviser will advise as to whether you should submit an application for ‘Personal
Circumstances (PCs)’, how to do so and what evidence is required to support the application.
Further details on ECs can be found here:

have thought deeply about the issues. Typically, the argument is described early in the essay and
then builds throughout the essay with relevant conclusions. A strong argument clearly addresses
the purpose of the assignment, has a clear line of thought, and demonstrates sound judgement,
critical thinking and is well-reasoned.
b. Use a wide range of relevant literature and remember to integrate Themes and findings from the
literature throughout the assignment – theories should not be in a separate section.
c. Use the workbook from your first seminar to help you find relevant literature.
d. Use the guidance from the library drop-in sessions on 2 nd and 9 th October.
e. Additional guidance can be found at the following sites:
The Reflective Writing Workbook –
Critical Thinking and Writing –
Communication Skills for International Students –
Guidance on study skills:
Support from the FBL Academic Success Centre:
Guidance on UWE assessment regulations and terminology:
Guidance on using the library:
f. Begin your assignment planning as soon as possible and raise any resulting questions at the start
of each week’s seminar. Do not leave the assignment reading and planning until the last minute

Suggestions to improve your assignment
Online resources
Improve structure How to plan and structure your

Adopt a report writing style Report writing
Be more reflective Reflective writing
Be more critical / evaluative How to write critically
Find more relevant references Further research skills / techniques
Enhance the literature review Literature reviews workbook
Use UWE Harvard more

UWE Bristol Harvard
Improve written English English language support

Workshops for academic skills
Regular academic skills workshops are also available to help with these issues.
Titles include:

  • How to make notes and read effectively
  • How to plan and structure your writing
  • How to put your reading into your writing
  • How to get started with critical writing
  • How to reference and avoid plagiarism

These are bookable through infohub, via the following link:
Communication Skills for International Students
These workshops are particularly useful if English is not your first language.
Titles include:

  • Writing academic English
  • Common grammatical errors
  • Vocabulary for different subject areas
  • Editing your own work
  • Language for discussion
  • Communicating with your lecturers
  • Tenses in academic writing
    These are bookable through infohub, via the following link:

Academic and Professional Development essay example

Private enterprise lawyer.

Recon associates and consultancies company is looking for an experienced private enterprise layer for an England-based law organization. Recon associates and consultancy company started in the 1980s as a personal enterprise, but later many investors joined. It is a skilfully entrenched company with a rock-hard reputation and well-defined industrial relations across the business sector. It covers a wide range of legal services and private enterprise clients. In this part, you will be able to develop and be part and parcel of our large and fully experienced team, and you will run your portfolio in small and medium-sized enterprises and busine4ss clients.


Assemble evidence and attestation from a wide range of proofs to be used in industrial association interviews or hearings. Keep records and proofs for both long term and short-term occasions. Negotiate appropriately for clients and follow up mediation hearings. Create the recon associates and consultancy level as a principal in industrial associations law by standing in for the organization at company events and labelling development techniques. Set up and carry on boldly cooperative operational associations with clients, staff, and human resource managers at all the tiers.


A bachelor’s degree in law and three years of successful experience in law or any relevant field of law. Adequate knowledge of the England industrial associations law with experience in the department. Good verbal and written communication skills, as well as clear presentation skills. Know about negotiation and reconciliation with a well-known conflict solving approach. Know the usage of computers and computer programs to create professional reports, customer database management, and scheduling. Strong associations-creation skills. Be able to work randomly and within a team. A high rate of honesty and professional responsibility. Excellent intrapleural skills and ability to be point-oriented.

This title role constitutes a great chance over a changing, complicated, and professional surrounding. Any interested and qualified applicants that meet the criteria are advised to apply. Female and with special needs are also encouraged to apply. Any applicant that suit the qualification should send their curriculum vitae, cover letter, and copies of certificates to [email protected] . Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted.




ADDRESS; Coventry city C1245NF



PLACE OF BIRTH; Coventry City


EMAIL; [email protected]


I am an experienced lawyer and am confident to offer the best services on law, legal procedures, and other several of legal related associated issues. Being a degree and a master’s holder in law, I am confident that I am best suited for any law related task. In my career, I have always demonstrated professionalism in all my circumstances when dealings with clients. I also have extensive knowledge of legal secretarial and office practices that supplement my suitability. I am an expert and have helped many of the clients I have represented in courts. I am currently looking forward to work with a good law firm where I will be able to exploit my full potential as a law practitioner.


  • Excellent communication skills
  • Adequate and strong teamwork skills
  • Desirable organization skills
  • Firm leadership skills


While allowing me to contribute to the organization’s success, I am committed to enhancing my management and technical skills and positively contributing to the management and staff’s satisfaction as I practice my academic knowledge.


University of Manchester        2014-2017

Masters in law

University of Leicester               2008-2012

Bachelor of law.  


Intel Experts consultancy    – West London

GENERAL COUNSEL             JULY    2014 – to date

  • Developing and defining various legal practices and policies while offering legal business advice regarding transactions and contract agreements.
  • Draft, review and verify contracts and other policies in line with the application regulations and conditions of the agreement.  
  • Negotiations with opponents to avoid lawsuit, resolve, and help in achieving the organizational goal.
  • Reduced corporations’ reliance on external legal services which help reduce the cost of services.
  • Implement a global intellectual property strategy for over five years.


  • Conducted in-depth research about transactions and contract terms to ensure maximum benefits for the organization and minimize chances of risk
  • Offered legal advice to the business managers and advice regarding any opportunities and obligations.
  • At the national level, monitored any employment policy changes.
  • Drafted and renewed agreements every month for product distribution, supply, licensing, and advertising.


·          Legal documents review and ensuring they are well organized for court presentation

·         Evaluating what is required for the client’s problem to be easily solved

·         Clients representation in both civil trials as well as charges related to criminals

·         Being supportive in terms of giving legal advice to the clients on matters related to law

·         Participating in regular casework meetings with other members of the legal

·         Handing important issues to the senior lawyers especially those issues that are beyond       my knowledge

·         Participating in important legal activities such as documents drafting and procedures

·         Keeping records and managing court diaries and dockets

·         Giving legal Support to clients across all sectors.

·         Utilizing the new technology especially the legal software to store and compile reports


·         Drafting legal paperwork and material.

·         Sharing important legal advice, tips, and information  

·         Critical thinking and effective problem-solving skills

·         Valuing the client’s and prioritizing on their needs for effective service delivery

·         Integrity with high level of confidentiality and positivity  

·         Decision making and confidence when presenting to senior legal staffs

·         Good time manager.

·         Good communication skills in solving legal problems.

·         COVID-19 has earned me an experience in using zoom technology to interact with colleagues

·         Working from home have been a pure experience which I had not experienced before


  • Writing articles
  • Reading novels
  • Playing football
  • Networking and research
  • Community service
  • Participating in volunteer and social responsibility work.


  • I had successfully defended an automotive manufacturer association in an injunction at the district court of appeal.
  • More than 80 percent of the cases I have represented have been ruled in favor of my clients.


I hereby certify that this data correctly describes me, my qualifications, and my experience.

Cover Letter

Coventry City C1245NF


Phone number;  


November 10, 2020.

Human resource manager

Recon associates and consultancy company,

521 St. Luis,

Colchester, NY 10321-402.

Dear sir/ madam.

I am writing to express my interest in the private enterprise lawyer post advertised in the newspaper dated October 5, 2020. Am a master’s degree of law holder at the University of Manchester and graduated in 2017. Having being born and brought up in England has impacted me to have an interest in law and have followed the history and structure for some time. I believe am best suited for the private enterprise lawyer post. 

I graduated with a degree of bachelor of law at the University of Leicester. During my undergraduate studies, I carried out several case studies on law. In law school, I learned several case formations understanding, mediation, and negotiation techniques. Through representing different cases for clients and attending hearings and proceedings in various courts of law, I have gained experience in the field of law.

Additionally, to my acquired skills, I believe that this job will help me grow professionally and increase my law expertise. My skills can contribute to the company’s growth and customer service through my professional and personal qualifications. I am planning towards effectively utilizing my knowledge and analytics skills for the firm’s benefit. I am confident that this is the best firm that will help me earn more negotiating skills and experience.

I am looking forward to your consideration for the post. Please feel free to contact me via email or mobile number. I would be pleased to discuss the position further in an interview.

Yours sincerely,


Skills Outline

SkillsExamples of how to meet them
Commercial awareness Knowledge possession of the current development in national, local, and world business, especially issues that impact the law firm. Since a law firm is like a business, it will be essential to appreciate the commercial importance of keeping costs low and withholding confidentiality.
CommunicationAbility to listen and communicate to carry out the solicitor duties effectively. Confident while negotiating settlements and giving explanations to complex information to clients. 
Creative problem solvingEmploying creative thinking and problem -solving skills daily. Outmanoeuvring opposing parties and secure a positive outcome. 
Information research and analysisAbility to identify what is essential out of large amounts of information while giving a clear and concise explanation to the client.
OrganizationalPrioritizing on the most relevant tasks to the least relevant and having a well-organized documentation of the case files as well as managing my time properly
TeamworkCompatibility with working with a variety of people and collaborating with colleagues and partners in the firm. These attributes will help in being persuasive and polite.
Attention to detailMaintaining accuracy when documenting information and also when listening in the process of gathering information.

Personal Development Plan

ObjectiveHow and where to get ittimescaleWho will arrange itFurther comments
Extensive knowledge of the lawReading law books and publicationsOver the next three yearsMyselfI will require to visit websites and libraries and also to read the constitution extensively; added knowledge will advance my skills in conflict resolution
Conflict management, dispute resolution, and mediationCertification program on mediationOne yearParentsIncreased skills on resolving conflicts to allow complete assistance to the clients
Stress management and crisis interventionTaking some psychotherapeutic lessons from my professorOne yearProfessorReading books on conflicts resolution Reduced intensity on mental, physical and behavioral reaction toward crisis. Ensures safety of the client
Information research and analysisOnline classes, research websitesSix monthsMentorWill enhance my information analysis concerning the firm’s requirements

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550 words
We'll send you the first draft for approval by September 11, 2018 at 10:52 AM
Total price:
The price is based on these factors:
Academic level
Number of pages
Basic features
  • Free title page and bibliography
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Plagiarism-free guarantee
  • Money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 support
On-demand options
  • Writer’s samples
  • Part-by-part delivery
  • Overnight delivery
  • Copies of used sources
  • Expert Proofreading
Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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