Learning Teaching and Assessment- Learning activities design

Learning Teaching and Assessment- Learning activities design

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Learning, Teaching and Assessment


The learning activity in this case is to help boost the performance of 6 mature students in post-16 GCSE- level Maths class. The six students are underperforming in mathematics since they also took their exams on mathematics in high school but still did not pass. The teacher to the students believe in them and suggests that they have potential but they are suffering from low self-efficacy, which is lack of believing in their ability to succeed and it is holding them back. The students recently failed a series of revision exercise that they really struggled to complete. The teacher hoped that this revision exercise could help them consolidate and strengthen their learning but it did not help them much. The purpose of this paper is to outline the design to help the six student better their leaning skills in mathematics. We aim to design a 6-twohour learning activities that supported and scaffold to assist the students improve their performance. 

An Overview

Mathematics teaching in the classroom includes the formation of chance for kids to learn arithmetic Components of this include: giving a steady learning climate offering fitting numerical test; nurtming cycles and systems which encourage learning. Math gives a compelling method of building mental discipline and empowers coherent thinking and mental meticulousness. Getting what instructing includes offers a training put together viewpoint with respect to the inquiry, “What numerical information is required for showing math?” Assuming the objective is to work on understudies’ chances to learn math, then, at that point, understanding the numerical requests of crafted by educating gives a more exact and helpful response to the inquiry (Saragih & Surya, 2017). This point of view depends on a “task examination,” as is frequently done in investigating the information and expertise prerequisites of different sorts of work, from designing to nursing to engineering. Furthermore, numerical information assumes a vital part in understanding the substance of other school subjects like science, social investigations, and even music and workmanship. 

Worry about the six understudies’ science accomplishment has developed; proof makes plain that the instructing and learning of math in the GCSE-level Maths class needs improvement. This isn’t whenever that this nation first has directed its stressed concentration toward math instruction. Notwithstanding, past endeavors have comprised of exertion more than impact. We are not prone to succeed this time, either, without considering what has prompted the disillusioning results of past endeavors and analyzing factors that add to accomplishment in different nations (Nurlaily et al., 2019). Think about what examination and experience reliably uncover: Albeit the run of the mill techniques for further developing informative quality have been to foster educational plan, and – particularly somewhat recently – to express norms for what ought understudies to learn, little improvement is conceivable without focus on the act of instructing. No educational plan shows itself, and norms don’t work autonomously of experts’ translations of them. 

Mathematics is of central of focal significance to present day culture. It gives the essential supporting of the information on economy. It is fundamental in the actual sciences, innovation, business, monetary administrations and numerous spaces of ICT (Kusumawati & Nayazik, 2018). It is additionally of developing significance in science, medication and large numbers of the sociologies. Utilizing a scope of instructing procedures that interface the substance, abilities and ideas will upgrade comprehension and commitment and assemble understudies’ certainty as math students and masterminds. Create and connect with their numerical reasoning. Tackle issues and show their agreement. 

The endeavors of the previous decade have shown that great guidance can have an effect, and that educators can gain from and for their work with educational program materials. In any case, more clear presently is that utilizing educational plan viably and working mindfully with principles rely upon understanding the topic. How educators realize arithmetic is key to their ability to utilize informative materials astutely, to survey understudies’ advancement, and to make good decisions about show, accentuation, and sequencing (Rattanatumma  & Puncreobutr, 2016). The last decade has made that plain. We can’t bear to keep re-discovering that improvement of understudies’ learning relies upon capable instructing, and that capable educating relies upon proficient instructors and what they know and can do. Science assists us with understanding the world and gives a compelling method of building mental discipline. Math empowers consistent thinking, decisive reasoning, innovative reasoning, unique or spatial reasoning, critical thinking capacity, and surprisingly viable relational abilities.

Description of the Teaching/Learning Activity Designed

The table below shows six learning activities that are aimed to be used to improve the performance of the nine students in the mathematics class. The learning activities are targeted to improve the self-esteem of the students towards mathematics so that they can change their attitude towards mathematics. Through the learning activities the students are able to improve their knowledge on mathematics. Each of the learning activities has a duration of two hours each. The target was to develop six learning activities (Razak, 2016). The learning activities were to run parallel with the daily lesson the students were to attend through their teachers. Since mathematics is one of the basic subjects for students in in post-16 GCSE- level Maths class.  The learning activities were designed to cover twelve weeks. The learning activities we designed mainly focused on developing students’ attitude towards mathematics and therefore we did not interfere with the teaching lessons of the teacher with the students. 

The following table show the learning activities

Learning ActivityDurationWeek CoveredDescription
1Group Discussion2 hours1,5,9These discussions are aimed at promoting team work among the students. The students are divided into three groups of three students each. The discussion involved consultations within the group members. Each student was motivated to participate in the group discussion so as to gain from the discussion conducted. After the discussion, each student was advised to submit to the teacher what they had discussed in the group. The submission involved what the students discussed and how each students understood what they discussed in the group. The teacher after receiving the discussion notes goes through them and advise each student on how to handle the task right in case the submitted work is not correct. In the invent that the submitted answer is correct, the student is advised to share with the group members and also other group members on how they understood the math problem. The group discussion is to cover three weeks and it is done daily for two hours.  
2Morning Tests2 hours2,6,10The morning tests were done on the second, sixth and tenth week as indicated. These weeks were consecutive to the discussions weeks and therefore students were tested on the topics they had discussed on the previous week. The test were taken in the morning before the student could start on their daily classes. The test were taken early so as to prevent interfering with the normally flow of lesson with the day. The test once taken are submitted to the teacher who returns the results after three hours. After the papers are returned, the students revise the papers and correct where they have failed in their books then they submit it to the teacher again. 
3Consultations with the Teacher or Tutor2 hours3,7,11The consultations are to be done for hours for every day on the weeks indicated. The students were advised to visit their tutors or their teachers to consult on areas where they face difficulties. The consultations were mainly based on the questions the students have frequently failed on the tests are require an expert to enable them understand. Since the consultations lasted for two hours, each student had to see a tutor on mathematics and discus on areas where they had problems. The next hour students were advised to be in groups of three so as to be taught by the same tutor. This method was used since after individual level discussions with the teacher, the students were allowed to interact with each other and understand vast areas which they might have missed during personal level discussions. The learning activity promotes further understanding of the students on each of the topics that they were discussing with their tutors or the teacher.
4Individual Competitive Tests2 hours4,8,12The learning activity is a two hour individual test that is supervised and is mainly to promote the competition among the students. The test is taken on the indicated week’s every day for two hours. The tests are administered and since they are competitive, the student with the hugest score is given a reward for being the best in the class. The students who has improved from the previous tests are also given a present to promote their confidence in mathematics’. The learning activity improve the self-esteem of the students and encourage them to push themselves and do better on the tests.  Due to the reward given after each test, every student is obligated to work hard and consequently developed interest on mathematics.
5Group Competitive Tests2 hours1,5,9The group tests is aimed at promoting competition among students just as in the individual competitive tests. In this case, the student are allowed to work in teams of three just as in their groups. For the competition to be effective and promote team work, each student of the group has tom take one of the questions from the ones tested. Each student has to do equal number of questions. By using this method, we ensure that each of the students has participated on the overall score of the group. The winning group is in turn given award. Because of the work. The student will ensure that each member is able to score maximally on the question they handling and as a result promote team work. 
6Past Paper Revision2 hours2,6,10Revision of the past papers is a learning technique that most students in many schools employ. This techniques makes students to be familiar with the type of questions being asked on a particular field. Like in mathematics, revising of the past papers will enable the student to acquire some skills that are important in promoting their understanding of the concepts being taught in each of the topics. The learning activity also helps in improving the confidence within the students when they are about to take any exam.  

The design above contain six learning activities that their main purpose is to ensure that the students in post-16 GCSE- level Maths class has the ability to unlock their full potential. According to the scenario, their teachers believes that they have the potential to performing better and through the list of  learning techniques above, the students have a better chance at improving their skills in mathematics. 

Description of methods of assessment chosen

Evaluation in math and numeracy is more than shaping decisions about a student’s capacity. It screens the student’s comprehension of the numerical language, ideas and abilities and what they need to do to succeed. This requires

  • An comprehension of how learning creates 
  • What abilities and information students need to advance 
  • The normal false impressions that can postpone learning. 

Framework understudy learning in arithmetic is the essential undertaking of instructors. Instructors need precise data regarding what every understudy definitely knows and with help, what may be inside the understudy’s grip. 

Assessment Tools

Utilizing evaluation devices and strategies that show understudy thinking requires: 

  • An Getting What Diverse Understudy Reactions May Mean 
  • Practical Thoughts To Address The Adapting Needs Distinguished. 

School based appraisal may likewise add to building an unmistakable image of the student. Instances of evaluation in math and numeracy include: 

  • Feedback and reflection 
  • Student self-appraisals 
  • Student portfolios 
  • Validated devices 
  • Anecdotal proof 
  • Teacher directed understudy evaluation undertakings 
  • Student self-reflections, interests and studies. 

Numeracy Learning Movements 

The Victorian Numeracy Learning Movements layout a grouping of detectable signs of progressively complex arrangement and abilities in 15 key numeracy ideas. 

The movements: 

  • Give Educators An Unmistakable Perspective on Numeracy Learning 
  • Help Work with Proficient Learning in Numeracy Improvement in Schools. 

The numeracy learning movements are not an educational plan. Allude to the Victorian Educational plan: Arithmetic for content portrayals and accomplishment principles. Each learning movement has a progression of formative advances gave in a range. Each progression shows a discernible movement of learning. For instance, measuring numbers has 12 stages in a range from Establishment to Even out 6, while working with decimals has four stages in a range from Level 4 to Even out 7. To help instructors to comprehend and utilize the numeracy learning movements, every movement has been planned to the Victorian Educational program F – 10: Science Continuum (Murtikusuma et al., 2019). Each column shows the quantity of steps in the learning movement and how they identify with each level. For numeracy, the subheading of each progression has likewise been incorporated to help educator use. 


The objective of movements of every sort is to improve understudies’ arrangement, expertise or adequacy in a particular region by drawing in numerous styles of learning. School exercises additionally serve to inject fun into learning just as reinforce understudy certainty and the capacity to think fundamentally. As an instructor, you manage fluctuating capacities and characters inside your own homeroom. No two understudies are similar, and that can make guidance troublesome. Be that as it may, in case you set aside the effort to fuse an assortment of informative systems in your illustration, you can arrive at every understudy to help him/her accomplish to their most prominent capacity in science. Informative procedures are basically the manner by which you catch your understudies’ eye and assist them with succeeding. Utilizing an assortment of educational procedures will help your adequacy as an educator in various ways.


Kusumawati, R., & Nayazik, A. (2018). Developing Mathematics Learning Strategy Module Based on Journal Review. Al-Jabar: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika9(2), 111-120.

Murtikusuma, R. P., Fatahillah, A., Hussen, S., Prasetyo, R. R., & Alfarisi, M. A. (2019, February). Development of blended learning based on Google Classroom with osing culture theme in mathematics learning. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1165, No. 1, p. 012017). IOP Publishing.

Nurlaily, V. A., Soegiyanto, H., & Usodo, B. (2019). Elementary School Teachers’ Obstacles in the Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Model in Mathematics Learning. Journal on Mathematics Education10(2), 229-238.

Rattanatumma, T., & Puncreobutr, V. (2016). Assessing the Effectiveness of STAD Model and Problem Based Learning in Mathematics Learning Achievement and Problem Solving Ability. Journal of Education and Practice7(12), 194-199.

Razak, F. (2016). The effect of cooperative learning on mathematics learning outcomes viewed from students’ learning motivation. JRAMathEdu (Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education)1(1), 49-55.

Saragih, D. I., & Surya, E. (2017). Analysis the Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Using Contextual Learning Model. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)34(1), 135-143.


Appendix 1: Resources Designed

Assessment Theory and Practice within the Teaching and Learning Cycle

Direction and guidance for great appraisal rehearses. Furnishes instructors with explicit data to focus on the adapting needs of understudies. 

  • Assessment on a fundamental level – advances further learning and accomplishment when the professional works cooperatively with the student, the student’s family, friends and associates to design the learning program. 
  • Assessment by and by – educating and learning rehearses coordinate continuous evaluation and criticism with top notch educational practice. 
  • Effective evaluation – gives proof to the specialist to settle on choices about the subsequent stages in the learning program. 
  • Feedback and announcing – decides a student’s degree of comprehension and ability advancement to design the subsequent stages towards accomplishing the learning expectations or objectives. 
  • Analyzing and utilizing information – remembering students for the investigation of their appraisal results which urges them to take responsibility for learning and to set and accomplish their own learning goals. 

Insight Assessment Platform

The Understanding Evaluation Stage is pointed toward assisting educator with surveying the advancement, everything being equal, and backing more designated instructing rehearses. This internet based stage can be gotten to by educators in government schools. Assets, supports and instruments, on the stage support great appraisal rehearses and give educators data they can use to focus on the adapting needs of understudies as they progress along the learning continuum. 

  • Mathematics Online Meeting (MOI) – surveys understudies’ information, abilities and procedures comparable to enter Science development focuses in the strands of number and polynomial math, estimation and calculation. 
  • Fractions and Decimals Online Meeting – survey the numerical understandings and techniques of portions, decimals, proportion and rate. This is planned for understudies in Years 5 to 8 however is significant for surveying successful understudies in Year 4, or in danger understudies in Year 10. 

Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years

The Platform Numeracy in the Center Years (SNMY) asset permits professionals to get to appraisal materials, the Learning and Evaluation Structure for Multiplicative Reasoning (LAF), learning plans, bona fide assignments and examination discoveries from the venture that explored another appraisal directed way to deal with further developing understudy numeracy results in Years 4 to 8. 

Learning and Assessment Framework for Multiplicative Thinking

The Learning and Appraisal Structure for Multiplicative Reasoning (LAF) was created based on research led through the SNMY project. The LAF unites every one of the key thoughts, techniques and portrayals of augmentation and division expected to work unquestionably with entire numbers, parts, decimals and percent across a wide scope of settings. It’s connected to the rich appraisal undertakings used to assess multiplicative reasoning and contains unequivocal guidance on instructing suggestions. 

Assessment for Common Misunderstandings

The Appraisal for Normal Mistaken assumptions (ACM) instruments depend on series of exploration based Test Undertakings which were produced for training purposes to distinguish adapting needs in Number. The Test Undertaking Manual incorporates various assignments and assets which are coordinated to address normal false impressions. 

Appendix 2: Brief Lesson Plan for a Lesson

Lesson Plan
Unit/Topic: Introduction to Calculus Lesson #: Mathematics
Strand(s): Conceptual understanding Level: Post-16 GCSE- Level
Lesson Objectives:
To improve the mathematical skills of the students in the particular levelTo change the attitude of the students towards calculusTo promote scientific skills among the studentsTo promote the data analysis among the students in different ways
Lesson Structure:
TimeIntroduction of TopicTeaching Approaches
2pm – 4pmDifferentiationInquiry-based learning
1am – 3pmIntegrationProject-Based Learning
7am – 9amCurves and CirclesTeacher-Centered
10am – 12amIntegral linesTeacher-Centered

Appendix 3: An Overarching Scheme of Work

An illustration plan is the teacher’s guide of what understudies need to realize and how it will be done adequately during the class time. Before you plan your illustration, you will initially have to distinguish the learning targets for the class meeting. Then, at that point, you can configuration fitting learning exercises and foster techniques to get criticism on understudy learning. An effective illustration plan addresses and incorporates these three key parts: 

  • Objectives for understudy learning 
  • Teaching/learning exercises 
  • Strategies to check understudy understanding 

Indicating substantial destinations for understudy learning will assist you with deciding the sorts of instructing and learning exercises you will use in class, while those exercises will characterize how you will check whether the learning goals have been refined (see Fig. 1). 


Fig 1. 

Since you have your learning targets arranged by their significance, plan the particular exercises you will use to get understudies to comprehend and apply what they have realized. Since you will have an assorted collection of understudies with various scholastic and individual encounters, they may as of now be comfortable with the theme. That is the reason you may begin with an inquiry or movement to measure understudies’ information regarding the matter or perhaps, their assumptions about it. For instance, you can take a straightforward survey: “What number of you have known about X? Lift your hand assuming you have.” You can likewise assemble foundation data from your understudies before class by sending understudies an electronic study or requesting that they record pieces of feedback on file cards. This extra data can assist with forming your presentation, learning exercises, and so forth At the point when you have a thought of the understudies’ experience with the theme, you will likewise know what to zero in on.

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