Organizing MANM455 ASSIGNMENT: ACADEMIC ESSAY- Technology trends and the environment

Organizing MANM455 ASSIGNMENT: ACADEMIC ESSAY- Technology trends and the environment

Organizing MANM455 ASSIGNMENT: ACADEMIC ESSAY- Technology trends and the environment

You are required to write a 3,000 word individual essay undertaking the following tasks:

Identify two businesses, one in the manufacturing sector the other in
services, and compare how they have responded to the challenges

brought about by a global scenario in which

technology advances and the environment *

are challenging how businesses organise. Identify and analyse the
characteristics of the change in organising. Conclude with possible
future developments of how we may see further changes in organising

within both sectors.

*The topic of technology trends and the environment can be expanded to include circular
economy, the restorative nature of operations, sustainability by design, ethics and new
emergent business models. This may include IoT, Industry 4.0, systems disruption, reverse
logistics or design for life.
The topic should cover the key aspects of: risk, the 3Ps (people/planet/profit), change,
and leadership/responsibility.

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 Your essay should be presented in block paragraphs using black Times New Roman
font (size 12) with 1.5 line spacing.
 Names should be clearly shown on the front page of the essay.
 A word count should be provided at the end of the essay.
 You need to include a bibliography in Harvard style referencing.
 Your essay must be a MAXIMUM of 3,000 words.
 Please see your Programme Handbook for regulations.

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Knowledge and Understanding 35%
Ability to introduce, explain and apply key theories/concepts
Ability to synthesise information to reach conclusions
Analysis with supporting evidence 35%
Attempt to develop and defend a critical stance
Effective use of examples to illustrate points and justify arguments
Reading and Research 20%
Evidence of relevant reading beyond the set material
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Accurate and complete bibliography and referencing (with references properly cited and
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Technology Trends and the Environment essay example

There are many challenges brought along by global scenario in the business technology change and the environmental change in the industrial world. Hence, it focuses on globalization. Focusing on the manufacturing business and services business. Steripack is one of the major manufacturing company globally in this Covid-19 season. It is based on medical tools under ISO 13485 system. On the services offering business, education is one of the major service’s offering business globally. Globalization involves the process in which Steripack or India education system start operating on an international scale. In trade, countries become interdependent in terms of goods, services, technology, information, and investment patterns. It is a result of globalization that the Steripack and India (schools) that have has risen with time within the globe. India private and public schools not only has the quantity increased but their quality. This is a result of different economies targeting the global market. Due to high competition in the global. India education system as improved their as an induction of standards by enhancing the study of languages and other economic factors. With the need to take over the market, the urge to have faster production methods with quality output has risen in both SteriPack and India schools. These have seen the participating group blame the government for not giving them enough support to compete in the market. SteriPack has imposed new developed fuel and services for good challenging with the environment and India schools have balanced the ratio of student to teachers for future quality outcome.

Technological Culture in Business Organizations

Technological culture change is one of the key drivers of globalization. An example Bluecore industry where employee demographics generation show that millennials-87% Gen -13% on tenure <2 years -61, <2to 5yrs -34% and 6 to 10 years – 5%. Hence it shows that90% of its workers they say the bluecore is doing a great job compared to 59% based in U.S. This is because the latter has become one of the competing strategies in the global market. This means that every time SteriPack and India schools has technological advancement, it will pose great competition to the market. One fact is that unlike in the past when business and provision of services was made physically, this can be done electronically. Therefore, some of the barriers are swept away through technology, such as location barriers and transport costs. In fact, technology has created a common market location for every participant. It is through this that many countries will be willing to participate in globalization (Bretos and Marcuello 2017). Hence technological cultural is a key effect in globalization.

Technology Effect on Business Transportation

            Although technology has reduced the barrier on location, there are still the commodities and services that need physical appearance. A case study of Tatiana Genzorova*, Tatiana Corejova, Natalia Stalmasekova (Govers and Go 2016). This calls for the transport of the same. However, this is not a strain anymore because the transport network has really improved across the globe. The shipping of commodities has become more efficient with little constraints across borders. Moreover, the cost of transporting commodities has gone low, the utmost becoming free. Hence du to business transportation it has really enabled SteriPack and India schools be able to faster and cope the future impacts

Localization in business environments

This involves the production of goods and services that suits the local market. For example, a research by Boudreau and Watson (2006) of world and nations -important web sites of 3M found that 3M is following a transnational Internet advertising strategy. The signs of this transnational strategy were apparent in the large degree of global integration and local responsiveness practiced on the 3M web sites (Singh, 2012). However, SteriPack and India institutions have also used this method to create a foundation for competing globally. Localization involves adjusting the product’s characteristics to suit the particular local market. This means that the products will give similar satisfaction to the local products and services would give. Localization, therefore, becomes a form of globalization strategy. It requires SteriPack and India institutions to understand the specific customer needs and the business culture within the country. However, local manufacturers still offer competition to the localizing airlines and schools due to their knowledge in the market, hence driving an entity to apply localization affecting the business. Hence this enables SteriPack and India institutions to understand the market and its environments well

Market Demand for Businesses Environments

According to location theory, in SteriPack and India institutions consumption rate is high, the costs tend to reduce (Piercy 2016).

Law of Demand Definition

This means they will tend to increase its presence in the market by specializing its products and services to suit its specifications. However, before localization, it’s good that an entity identifies the taste of the population. For instance, customers might be on high taste for foreign products or maybe local products. This will assist in identifying how the localization will be done. Hence localization will help SteriPack and India institutions to handle the global challenge effectively.

Competition level on businesses environment

Competition is one of the factors that will result in companies quit or stay in a market. In a case study of an enterprise SteriPack and India institutions (Berger and Turk-Ariss 2017), Types of Organizational Environment

SteriPack and India institutions will tend to identify a location where the level of competition compared to the local businesses is low. Moreover, if the international market existing within the country is low, hence SteriPack and India institutions will localize their products and services. Moreover, if the local businesses offer higher competition than the international participants, it’s important for SteriPack and India institutions to directly compete with the local businesses to ensure that improved products and services will result in total market success. Hence due to this SteriPack and India institutions they will be able to reduce the technology challenge around them.

Globalization Reduction across Business Barriers Environments.

 One of the factors that have led to a decline in globalization is the trade barriers existing among different countries—a case study of high developing nations (Saint Akadiri and Akadiri 2019). However, there exist countries whose policies favor the working of your business and your goods and services. This means that this will be a good location to carry out your business. A business ought to specialize its activities within this location to maximize its profit since there is a good economic environment for the business’s operations. Hence globalization reduction barriers in the job it will enable SteriPack and India institutions to fight the global change problem

 Globalization on SteriPack (airline sector)

The transportation business is one of the most manufacturing globally affected companies globally—a case study of global transport and suitable developments (Slack 2017). Transport having very many sections like cars, railways, sea transport, airlines, etc. Their supply chain and customers are really affected by the free transport agreements, technology trends, environmental impacts, and the responsible culling’s order. Globalization in transport it’s always too “invisible” (Papastergiadis 2018). But transportation is central and functional in enabling mechanism and space adjusting technology. Hence it integrates the production and distribution points. Space adjusting technology like transport gives out the flows linking different regions and goods in different places: globalization transportation, especially the airline networks, changes to be more critical for organizations to compete. New technologies, more developed markets, and transport line structures need a change from the manufacturers and the customers, whether individual or public. Modernized change in the transportation system has really improved the national and local movement of services and goods. Globalization in transportation customized and longer distances can be covered with limited time, this being encouraged by new transport linkages.

Globalization has also caused sensitivity in the timing of arrivals and decamping’s. It has enhanced the speed of transactions and goods movements in the other manufacturers. It leads to the expansion of dependence on e-connection and e-commerce. Globalization has enhanced the holding togetherness of worldwide product networks. Focusing on the factors that enhance the worldwide restructuring trends on transportation departments, they include Zero inventories, customized output runs, the reliance on the other department, perfect timing in management of output, and opportunities for business scope. Globalization has really made transportation networks vulnerable by different techniques. This includes a High level of a coupe, and oil addiction creates more transportation risk of protest and restraint, worldwide solutions to air pollution, and atmosphere warning. They cause problems to transport networks and their own economies and finally transport acts as a tool for enforcing more consumption but mainly based on goods and services. Focusing on the change of logistics in the transport network due to globalization. We first define logistics as the process of controlling or managing the extraction of resources, the storage, and the distribution to the required destinations. Hence, it’s simply how resources are handled and transported in manufacturing industries. Therefore, due to globalization in the managerial transport network, freight movement is both a firm and a key input process. The managerial department has really understood how resources are moved. Hence, this material department has new techniques for transportation resources (Rodrigue, 2016).

Globalization Effect of Steripack on Airline

SteriPack is internationally known for its transport network (Mendonça 2020). Hence aviation impacts being a significant impact on the airline industries in global today. SteriPack considering the three significant ways to limit the aviation impact on the environment.  It has been working on addressing its global aviation environment problems for more than 20 years (Lyle 2018, pp.104-127). SteriPack approach method to control the global aviation impacts has involved the main three main ways, which include: use of alternative fuels to avoid pollution, by efficiency improvement on the machines and services offered in the airlines or stronger efficient development and finally the global aviation emissions pact or market-based measure (Anselmi 2018).

Global aviation emissions pact

SteriPack mostly uses the aviation for medical movements more challenges are faced on the environment. The global aviation emissions pact or the international market-based controls were introduced in 2016 October by the nations in the (ICAO) International Civil Aviation Organization to control the global airplanes’ carbon net emission between the participating countries from 2021 to 2035. This technique limit is set to balance of 2019-2020 risk levels. Introduction of Carbon offsetting and minimization techniques for global aviation or CORSIA, it needs evaluation of it after every three years in the approach of the outcomes or successes of the Paris climate agreement, giving out the possible effect of strengthening the limit in the future. CORSIA is a significant go step ahead in international climate actions. It can prevent around 2.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere for the first 15yrs after the program introduction. This method will help fly more efficient aircraft, facilitate new technologies for efficient flightpath, lower-carbon alternative fuel, and lend in ejection offsets in the aviation sector.

Efficiency improvements

The planes’ efficiency is like cars and other machines; this helps significantly improve plane efficiency (Engelcke and Posner 2017). SteriPack strongly encourages the aviation of Carbon dioxide. And by ICAO. Being the first step, they introduced the new CO2 worthy class adopted by ICAO the year 2016. Excellent class support by aviation unions, but it falls due to climate change, hence it needs to be changed. They worked to make the standard stronger by applying efficiency to local or domestic flights. Hence, they minimized the environmental challenge and enhanced the future developed in the organization. 

Alternative fuels

Fuel alternatives being something to smile about, SteriPack are encouraging multiple fuel alternatives in the market. It includes biofuels to replace carbon-neutral growth in the future (Aro 2016, pp.24-31). Some biofuels show some future promises. Hence SteriPack can manage the challenge in the future.

The environmental measure set by SteriPack to fight the noise and water pollution due to globalization

The main sources of noise and water pollution at SteriPack are mostly caused by globalization. But they are measured and controlled. Water pollution in SteriPack affected both the local water supplies and global rainfall. On the other side, Noise pollution is significant pollution was caused by plane movements in and off the airport (Gagliardi and Licitra 2017). Noise pollution is considerably associated with those managing and controlling the airport. Noise ejection pollution in the air and some extend in the ground cause a significant impact: mental, social well-being, and physical effect on the people around. It may be a long-term or short-term effect on an individual—noise pollution, which is considered sound 12. The primary two sources of noise in SteriPack are from aircrafts noise and engine noise; this includes the jet piston noise from the engines and the aircraft frame. The most noise is experienced in an airport while the planes are take-off and landing. SteriPackis said to be an essential contributor to the issue of excess noise. On the other part, the noise contributed by the ground access system in SteriPackis experienced in the landing point area. The SteriPack minimized its aircraft noise ejection by reducing the number of people exposed to the noise levels. Urban planning, introducing new technologies, restrictions of some aircraft, limitation of flight movement, and redistribution of noise by runways build-up helped them fight noise pollution in the airport. Curfew and avoidance of repetition noise were deployed in the airport regions during the night times, which was the right solution.

The first cause of water pollution was the water used in the cleaning. It causes water pollution to the community around; the 2nd situation is where the gas fuels ejected by the aircraft play a significant step in water pollution. This where CO2 being the main product after the fuel is burnt-out and approximately 70%.CO2 containing around (3.16 kgs of CO2 in every 1 kg of fuel used) mixes with the atmospheric gases, causing a dangerous global effect. However, it causes acid rains or heating of the atmosphere, causing water pollution locally and globally. Thus water pollution by the aircraft was measured by the atmosphere effect around them. Hence, this helped minimize and introduce new aircraft fuel to avoid much global pollution (Baumbach, 2012). It helped due to this new improvised skills SteriPack the global effect.

Globalization effect on the education system (Indian schools) services

The impact of globalization in school has really created great alarm in the department globally (Gupta 2018, pp.11-28). Due to the developing global system, in particular, it forces the education system to improve day by day. In the point that youths need to venture into new environments, new techniques have to be deployed in the education system. The impacts being both negative and positive. Globalization involving political, cultural, and social growth. It forces new inventories in all the grounds (Cvetkovich 2018). Hence globalization can be unalterable but never internationalization considering many choices (Bajaj 2019). Globalization may lead to the growth of the education system in the long-term. Obviously, it will lead to much-unrecorded information, hence causing the loss of more important data. More globalization education systems will lead to more insecurity impact in the departments. The globalization Education system has led to the massive growth of some nations around the globe. Where nations with more globalized education power provide more workforce hence having a massive production of output. This where workers in more mechanized nations have more working skills hence giving high-quality production

Indian schools

Considering 16 education systems in Delhi-eight and nine private (Mukherjee 2018, pp.1-19). 161 students were selected for the globalization effect (81 being male and 80 being female). The analysis was made prospectively to the response (Endow 2018, pp.1-19). The information to be focused on was the school infrastructure and the impact of globalized school infrastructures, including school buildings, library, Auditorium, computer rooms, safe drinking water, toilets, and playgrounds. On the infrastructures, the school had well-improved infrastructures, which enhanced a friendly environment with the students. Focusing on the Teaching staff in both schools, government schools had more female teachers (218) in all departments than male teachers (170). There were still more female teachers (475) than males (118), but considering the difference, Private schools employ more teachers than government schools. It has a great impact on the education system on the teacher-student ratio in the schools. This shows that public students will have more quality education than private schools due to the high student’s teacher’s ratio. Hence the schools tried to balance the ratio for a future quality outcome. Focusing on teachers’ gender differences, more male teachers in government schools than private schools, where more men in private schools taught co-curricular units and higher classes.

Still, in government schools, male teachers were assigned jobs that the government played well and offered more security. But in the female case, they were balanced. Focusing on health and physical education. Government schools had more physical, and sport activates compared to private schools.

 Hence focusing on the global scenario challenge on the services department (schools). We find that Government schools offer more quality education compared to private schools. India belonging to the high economic growing nations in the world. The question is how it coupes with the globalized education system to produce quality education. A well-educated population is not about economic growth indicators only, but also the positivity effect on people’s development symbols. Like the number of educated personnel’s around the environment. Although the nation’s goal does improve the quality of school fractures, the efforts also lead to giving quality education to the students.


Comparing the manufacturing businesses (SteriPack) and the services business (education). Manufacturing has a greater impact affect a larger group of people than the impacts of the service. Also, service impacts are easy to be solved compared to manufacturing.


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