PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology

PSYC101 Week 2 Forum

General posting requirements can be viewed by clicking the Week 2 Forum “View Full Description” link on the Forums screen under the heading”Forum General Posting Requirements”.All forums in this course have the same general posting requirements.

Imagine you are going to conduct research investigating a human behavior that you would be interested in learning more about PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.

1. Based on your readings and learning this week describe what research method you would use for investigating it.


2.What drew you to this method? Why would it be well suited for your hypothetical research?

3.What are the strengths and weaknesses of this type of research PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology?

4.When responding to your classmates for the reply posts requirement, take their research topic of interest and recommend a different type of research approach to the study of the topic they chose (Ex: “Another method that might also work is _______” or “Have you thought of the _________ method?” – we want to be respectful and professional and not criticize a classmate’s method choice) and explain why you would recommend that alternative method. PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.

To help jump start this part of the discussion, here is an example of a human behavior that has been researched: Say you were interested in whether men or women approach each other first in social situations where they do not know one another. You might have an opinion based on personal experience, but you want to avoid bias toward one’s own experience and ideas that such might cause, so you are going to conduct a research study. PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology To research this, you might choose “naturalistic observation,” which could require going into nightclubs and taking note of what you observe men and women doing. Another research method would be to give out a survey to see how men and women respond to the question of whether they approach the other. Each method has strengths and weaknesses.

Be sure to check before posting that you have answered all of the questions, that you are basing your statements on concepts you learned about in your weekly readings and activities where required and that your post meets the general posting requirements located under the “View Full Description” link below the main Forum heading.

PSYC101 Week 3 Forum Latest 2018 February

Before responding to the questions below, click on the “Lessons” link on the left and complete the Week 3: Topic 3 – Memory lesson. After completing the lesson, return to the forum here, click the “Post New Conversation” link at the top Week 3 Forum screen, and respond to the following questions. PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.

General posting requirements can be viewed by clicking the Week 3 Forum “View Full Description” link on the Forums screen under the heading “Forum General Posting Requirements”.

A great deal of controversy has surrounded the phenomenon of “false memory syndrome” and the implications that it has had in our society, particularly in the legal realm. One of the most influential psychologists in the area of memory and eye witness testimony is Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, who has spent three decades as a research psychologist and memory expert in legal cases. To learn more about the controversy surrounding “false memory syndrome,” visit the online LA Weekly website at to read the article, “Memory and Manipulation.”

Based on the points that the Loftus article brings up and your readings and research this week respond to the following:

What kind of implications do particular limitations of human memory have on the use of eye-witness testimony in criminal and civil court cases PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology?

PSYC101 Week 4 Forum Latest 2018 February

General posting requirements can be viewed by clicking the Week 4 Forum “View Full Description” link on the Forums screen under the heading”Forum General Posting Requirements”.All forums in this course have the same general posting requirements.

As we reach the midpoint of our course, it is a good time to connect with each other to begin thinking about what comes next. Please reflect upon and answer the following questions:

  • What do you hope to do with your degree?
  • Which course(s) will you take next?
  • PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology
  • Why do those courses interest you?
  • What do you hope to learn from your program?
  • How might it help you advance your current career or prepare for your future?
  • Are there any obstacles you foresee?
  • How will you work to overcome them?
  • What questions do you have about your program or future career goals to which your peers or instructor might be able to respond?

PSYC101 Week 5 Forum Latest 2018 February

General posting requirements can be viewed by clicking the Week 5 Forum “View Full Description” link on the Forums screen under the heading “Forum General Posting Requirements”.

Before responding to the questions below, click on the “Lessons” link on the left and complete the Week 5: Topic 1 – Learning lesson. After completing the lesson, return to the forum here, click the “Post New Conversation” link at the top Week 5 Forum screen, and respond to the following questions. PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.

Consider a behavior that you would like to teach someone. This could be a friend, a child, a co-worker, etc. Describe the behavior and select one of the learning theories we learned about this week (i.e. observational learning, operant conditioning, etc.) as the framework for how you would teach the person that behavior PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology. Explain how you would ensure they have learned the behavior and why you felt that approach would work best for the particular behavior and setting. What challenges do you encounter to the learning process using your planned approach?

PSYC101 Week 6 Forum Latest 2018 February

General posting requirements can be viewed by clicking the Week 6 Forum “View Full Description” link on the Forums screen under the heading “Forum General Posting Requirements”.

Before responding to the questions below, click on the “Lessons” link on the left and complete the Week 6: Topics 1 and 2 – Psychological Disorders and Therapy and Treatmentlessons.After completing the lesson, return to the forum here, click the “Post New Conversation” link at the top Week 6 Forum screen, and respond to the following questions PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.

This week we studied psychological disorders. Which of the disorders covered in your lessons do you think would be the most challenging to have and why? Which of its symptoms would prove the most difficult for you? What would you most need from society and loved ones if you had the disorder you selected? What might be some treatment options you could pursue to alleviate symptoms of your selected disorder?

PSYC101 Week 7 Forum Latest 2018 February

Below are the Week 7 Forum Topic instructions. General posting requirements can be viewed by clicking the Week 7 Forum “View Full Description” link on the Forums screen under the heading “Forum General Posting Requirements”.

Before responding to the questions below, click on the “Lessons” link on the left and complete the Week 7: Topic 1 – Social Psychology lesson. After completing the lesson, return to the forum here, click the “Post New Conversation” link at the top Week 7 Forum screen, and respond to the following questions PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.

One of the most famous psychological experiments of all time, was conducted by Dr. Philip Zimbardo and his colleagues at Stanford University. To read more of the details of this experiment, visit Take some time to watch the video on the Zimbardo Prison Experiment by clicking here. After reading about the experiment, exploring the website and watching the video, answer the following:

1. Was it ethical to do the prison study in the way that Zimbardo conducted it? Why or why not? Explain your position substantively.

2. What social psychological constructs did the study reveal? Would the same information have been learned if the study had been conducted differently? PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology If yes, how might you adapt the study to address ethical concerns and still obtain results relevant to our understanding of behavior in social settings?

3. How do the social psychology concepts of conformity and the power of the social situation that we are studying this week relate to what happened during the brief period of time that the prison study ran. Where in the description of how the study unfolded did we see evidence of these concepts?

PSYC101 Week 8 Forum Latest 2018 February

Reflection on Learning

1. Share three “take-away” elements of the course that added to your understanding of human psychology and that you believe will serve you well in the future in both your personal and professional lives and explain why.

NOTE: Here you are sharing learning that was and that you believe will remain of value to you, not chapter reviews. Be thorough, thoughtful and focused in this part of the post. Think about what stood out to you and why it did during the 8 weeks PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.

2. Describe the three most meaningful experiences you had while participating in the course discussions with your classmates.

3. Complete the sentence below. In filling in the blanks, think about information that you learned in completion of the course and elaborate in the space following the word “because” on why you picked what you did .

If I could pick just one thing that the world would be well served to better understand about psychology it would be ________________. I chose this because ________________.

PSYC101 Week 3 Assignment Latest 2018 February

Assignment Instructions

Week 3 Assignment: Stroop Effect

Visit the following website and follow the directions on screen to complete the Stroop Effect Exercise. Complete the practice exercise once, then the Stroop effect exercise once. Record your times for each. Then complete the practice exercise again, and the Stroop effect exercise again. Again, record your times for each. PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.

Complete the worksheet in the attached document and submit your completed worksheet here in the Week 3 Assignment: Stroop Effect area in the Assignments link in the classroom no later than 11:55 pm EST Sunday. Be sure to make clear connections to at least two terms, concepts, or research findings from your readings or other scholarly sources to support your responses. Include any references used on a separate reference page at the end of the worksheet. References should be formatted in APA format both in-text and on your reference page. PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology. Please visit the APUS Writing Center or the Purdue OWL website for examples of APA formatted references.

PSYC101 Week 3 Assignment Latest 2018 February

Assignment Instructions

Week 3 Assignment: Stroop Effect

Visit the following website and follow the directions on screen to complete the Stroop Effect Exercise. Complete the practice exercise once, then the Stroop effect exercise once. Record your times for each. Then complete the practice exercise again, and the Stroop effect exercise again. Again, record your times for each.

Complete the worksheet in the attached document and submit your completed worksheet here in the Week 3 Assignment: Stroop Effect area in the Assignments link in the classroom no later than 11:55 pm EST Sunday. Be sure to make clear connections to at least two terms, concepts, or research findings from your readings or other scholarly sources to support your responses. Include any references used on a separate reference page at the end of the worksheet. References should be formatted in APA format both in-text and on your reference page PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology. Please visit the APUS Writing Center or the Purdue OWL website for examples of APA formatted references.

PSYC101 Week 5 Assignment Latest 2018 February

Assignment Instructions

Sleep Journal and Reflection Project

The meaning, origin, and analysis of dreams have fascinated psychologists since the inception of the field of psychology. Sigmund Freud, often referred to as the father of psychology, focused a great deal of his theoretical energy on trying to understand and interpret dreams.

Contemporary psychologists are beginning to recognize the interconnectivity of human physiology and psychology in a way not previously understood. This is in part because of new interest in holistic health and in part because of brain/body connections we are now able to see and understand for the first time due to enhanced technology. Yoga, mindfulness, healthy eating, meditation, holistic health – all of these practices are gaining more traction in mainstream society and among psychological circles as we recognize how the mind and body work together. In light of this growing area of interest in psychology, for this assignment you will maintain a sleep/dream journal during weeks 3 and 4, and complete an analysis and reflection on your experience in a summary reflection paper in week 5.

Specifically, for this assignment you will:

  • Keep a sleep/dream journal for at least 10 days throughout Weeks 3 and 4. In your journal make note of:
    • any dreams you had PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology
    • any initial thoughts about the dream – events of the day that may relate, etc.
    • your general sleep schedule (if you have a tracker such as fitbit, include data on your sleep patterns as well – wakefulness, restlessness, times asleep/awake per night, total sleep, etc.)
    • your general eating habits by day
    • your general exercise habits by day
    • anything else of note in your psychological or physical health (stress, excitement, changes, etc.)
  • You may use any format you wish to record the data (notepad, computer, hardcopy spreadsheet, etc.).
  • Complete a 3-4 page reflection (not counting title or reference pages) in which you analyze the results of your sleep/dream journal. Consider how your psychological and physical health interacted. What patterns did you see? PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology Discuss the impact that various factors such as fatigue, diet, stress and exercise had on your dreams and sleep patterns. Explain how this insight may impact your behaviors in the future to lead to better psychological and physical health.
  • Utilize at least 2 academic resources (your course readings can comprise one of the sources) to support your analysis and discussion.

PSYC101 Week 7 Assignment Latest 2018 February

Week 7 Exercise: Prosocial Behavior

Much of what we tend to focus on when we study social psychology are topics that often have a negative connotation such as conformity, prejudice, aggression or obedience. A huge component of the study of social psychology; however, focuses on prosocial behavior – behaviors that focus on compassion and helping others. For this activity, you will focus on this more uplifting aspect of social psychology. Topics that fall under the area of prosocial behavior include altruism, helping, bystander intervention, empathy, and compassion, among others. PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.

For this exercise, pick one day and seek to structure your thoughts and behaviors entirely around helping others. With each interaction or action you take, pause to think and ask yourself “is there a way I might help another here?” Hold a door for someone, offer your seat, share a smile, give a sincere compliment, show empathy to another, attempt to be more patient or understanding, etc. Your efforts should be in social settings that involve interactions with others (rather than something such as donating to a charity for instance). The goal is to be as thoughtfully prosocial in your interactions throughout the day as possible.

  • At the beginning of the day, jot down your general mood, feelings, attitude, etc.
  • Then throughout the day, whenever possible, carry a small notebook with you or make notes in an app on your phone to jot down meaningful encounters or experiences as you attempt to engage in prosocial behaviors PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology.
  • At the end of the day, again reflect and take notes on how you feel, your general mood, feelings and attitudes, etc.

In a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation, not counting title or reference slides:

  • Summarize your experience. Describe the prosocial behaviors you engaged in, others’ reactions to these behaviors, and your assessment of any changes in mood, attitude, good fortune, or anything else of note you experienced.
  • Review what you have learned about human behavior in social settings this week in your readings and CogBooks activities. Connect what you learned or experienced through your day of conscious, prosocial behavior with the terms, concepts, and theories from your research. Integrate at least two academic sources (your assigned readings/resources can comprise one of these sources), citing any references used in APA format.
  • Describe any new insights you gained through this experience about your interactions with others on a daily basis, including any behaviors you wish to change or to continue.
  • Use the features of PowerPoint to your advantage to communicate your ideas – include pictures, audio recorded narration, speaker’s notes, video, links, etc. as appropriate to enhance your ideas.
  • Include an APA formatted title slide and reference slide. APA components such as an abstract, headings, etc. are not required since this is a PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology PowerPoint presentation.

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