UMKDCA-15-3 Brand Management- Individual business report and reflection

UMKDCA-15-3 Brand Management- Individual business report and reflection

UMKDCA-15-3 Brand Management- Individual business report and reflection

Hi, everyone. This video is to talk you through the assignment brief and really give you some clarity,hopefully, about what it is that you need to do for this assignment.

UMKDCA-15-3 Brand Management- Individual business report and reflection

So, at a brief is uploaded for you. It’s on Blackbaud there and the instructions are all there for you, But I thought it’d be helpful to just kind of talk you through and give you a bit more detail. The deadline is to be confirmed Were just waiting on approval of the deadlines that we have set. And as soon as we know what that deadline is, I will let you know, and we will communicate that and the announcements on blackboard and you get an email for that as well. You can see here is an individual business reporters individual work. There’s you ‘ll be happy to know.  No group work for this assignment. Individual business report.  Seventy five percent of the marks and reflection. Twenty five percent making a total of one hundred percent of this module. So, this is this is all you have to do or these two pieces. Now there are a couple of little pieces that you have to do along the way that make up the reflection and well talk about that in more detail in a bit. We have got 20 working days to turnaround the. Get rid of that 20 working days to turnaround the marking. And again, I’ll confirm what this date is …As soon as we have approval for the deadline that we’ve set.

 So, the work is Perkins made of Part A, which is the individual report, and also part B, which is the reflection. It is individual business report. Seventy five percent overall, two and a half thousand words.  There is not plus or minus 10 percent on this assignment. You have only got twenty-five hundred words, so please do not go over that.  Anything over that will not be read by the marker.  So please make sure that you stick within that 2500 words.  So as a brand management consultant, you are required to develop a brand extension strategy in report format. For a business of your choice, let us break that down a little bit. So, you are a brand management consultant.  You’re not going to have inside information into the business for your market analysis, your brand audit and so on. So you’re not going to have that inside information.  And that’s part of doing a business degree, is having to make decisions, as you know,as a manager, as a business person, making decisions with incomplete data.  So, this is something that you are going to have to do in business as well. Develop a brand extension strategy in report format.  So, a brand extension Were going to go into a lot more detail in the semester on this. But a brand extension is, you know, a brand moving into a new product category.  So, you cannot take a brand that is, let’s say, an ice cream brand and release a new flavor of ice cream. That is not that’s not a brand extension. It’s a line extension where they’re just extending the line that we already have the line of products that we have.  So you need to extend into a new category, a new area where you are not already operating as a brand.  So, it needs to be a brand extension strategy. It’s a report format. So, it is not an essay.  You need to have a cover page, an executive summary table of contents and then your introduction in that order.  And those things all need to be included for a business of your choice.  So, you get to choose the brand, you know, try to choose something in an area and maybe that you have already worked in. You have got some background information on that particular brand in that industry or an area that you would like to move into because you know. maybe in an interview it would be helpful for you to be able to say, well.  I did this assignment on this brand and this is what i did might be helpful for me in the future. So, trying to identify a brand that you would like to work for or an industry that you would like to work in, your plan needs to include an introduction. This should introduce the report and its purpose, not just the topics. We see this all the time. People introduce the brand. They introduce new background information.  They introduce the product, but they don ‘t introduce the report.  So, you know, the point of an introduction is to provide some information about what this report is for.   And so at some point in your introduction, it needs to say the following report will introduce a brand extension of what is the product for brand X? Right. So you need to state that in the introduction the second part is a brand audit.


So, this will be familiar to some of you. We have done it before. We have done something similar, maybe a situational analysis. But what we’re trying to do here is getting to focus on the brand tools, the brand models,the brand frameworks, rather than the same old models that you’ve used in the past. So, we do not want to see past or pastel or SWOT. Please do not use those models on this module.  We just do not want to see them. Does it matter how many times I say that someone always does. And we have to mark them down We want to see brand focused models, not swat and not. Please do not include those here. So, you need to include things like your current market share and your major competitors. So, you know, the brand audit should focus on, you know, well talk about this in a lot more detail in electorate. But a brand audit should focus on where the brand is at the moment. What situation is the brand currently in? What does their current situation? So, their current market share for the category that they already operate in, their categories, maybe that they operate in?  And who are their competitors at the moment?  You also need to think about how the brands how the brands products and services are currently marketed and branded. So how are they currently doing this?

So focusing on things like brand assets, brand elements, those bits that make up their identity, the brand characteristics, the product attributes, the pricing, the communication, the distribution policies, how do they get their products out to their consumers?The brand positioning, what position do they occupy in the mind of consumers at the moment? Do that desktop research to find that out? How do they currently segment their audience? Who do they sell to? What target segments do they sell to and pursue and then targeting? So how do they target those folks? So, you know, these are all part of the brand audit.

It’ s not an exhaustive list, but these are things that we expect to see. So you can include more than that. If you would like to. You might want to know for instance, for your competitors, you might want to do a perceptual map.  But remember that this is the brand audit is about where the brand is at the moment to hear their current competitors.

The third part on the product and service idea, this is where you need to know, based on the analysis that you’ve already carried out,describe and justify why your product or service isn’t attractive market opportunity.  This should include an overview of your product service idea. Your target market that you are going to sell to in this new category that you are moving into. Who are the key competitors in that new category? So, again, you might have a perceptual map here as well for the area that you are moving into. Looking for that white space on that perceptual map. But you need to justify why this is a good idea. Why is this an attractive market opportunity based on the analysis that you’ve done above?  Then the brand proposition.

 So, based on the opportunity that you have identified on the analysis and on the product or service idea. Include your unique selling proposition. So what is your unique selling point, your unique selling proposition and your value proposition?  You may have heard it all before in the new category. So in the new category that you’re moving into, what is the value proposition and how is this mutually?This is an italic. It is really important here. How is this mutually supportive of the brand values, ram personality and brand identity? So what is the value proposition for your brand moving into this new category? How does that support the brand values, the brand personality and the brand identity or brand assets equally? How do the brand values brand personality and brand identity brand assets?  How do those support the unique selling proposition of your brand living into this new category?  So, they need to be mutually supportive and that is what we are looking for here.  In terms of brand proposition, why is your brand going to be successful in this new category you’re moving into and then brand execution?   So, provide an overview of your price place promotion. Hopefully, that sounds familiar to you. You know, the marketing mix, the four P’s are only three there because you have talked about products, your product that has already been discussed.  So, we are looking for the remainder of the marketing mix to be discussed there. What are your price place and promotion strategies? So what are the strategies that you’re utilizing here and how will these support your brand values, personality and identity? So how does the price, place and promotion support your brand

values personality?  And I think you could see a theme here, but also how do those support the price place and promotion?   So how are you going to execute that brand extension?

We also need to talk about measurement, and this is something that students often leave to the last minute.  It may make sense for measurement to be talked about at the end of the assignment, but please do not leave this to the last minute. And just quickly know scribble some things down. This is where you need to suggest and justify appropriate.   Again, it is in italics, so it is important brand measurement techniques for your new brand launch. So often people think, well, were going to we are going to introduce this brand extension. We are going to launch a new product.  Well, we will just measure the revenue. That is a good start Right. And you can mention that here.  But we are interested in the brand measurement techniques.  So, we are going to be in quite a bit of time talking about brand equity measurement techniques that you can use to having a measured brand equity.   These are the things that we want to hear you talking about here. How has the brand extension impacted on the brand? So a big part of this is how can you leverage the brand to make the brand extension a success?  But also, what does the brand extension give back to the brand? How does it impact on brand equity, brand loyalty?  What are those different factors that we can measure? And so, you know, again, the brand equity session in week three, well talk about that.   But this is what we are looking for here. We are looking for brand management Brand measurement techniques here rather than things like revenue.  And we want to see some detail. Do not leave this until the last-minute.  Conclusion.   This is where you need to really draw out the main implications of your work.

Often people just provide a summary of everything that they have done in the document.  And that is not what we are looking for. That is what the executive summary is for at the top of the document.  The conclusion really needs to draw out the implications. You have written two thousand two thousand two hundred words in this report so far.  What does it all mean for the brand?Therefore, it can be concluded that it is a phrase that you want to include in your conclusion at some point somewhere.  So therefore, it can be concluded that if Brand X launches this brand extension draw out the implications of this work.

You also need to include references. You know that this hopefully you know this by now, that this needs to be the Harvard method. But don’t spend your time trying to figure out where I tell X, go in brackets, go get the software to do this for you. Cite this for me. It is fine. Microsoft Word. We will also do this for you under references, insert citation, make sure that this is the Harvard use the Harvard method in here and then insert citation.  Open a box like this. You can choose whether it is a journal, journal article or a book or whatever into the details and click OK. And then at the end you can insert a bibliography just by clicking on this button. And what it will do is it’ll take all your text references that you’ve added and done.   If you don’t know how to do that, just go to You Tube, type in Microsoft Word, Harvard referencing, and it will show you how to do that.  You can also use other tools, like I say. Cite this for me. You can use RF works.  You can use a terror terrorism tool that l uses It’s fantastic, you can get some plug ins for Proem so that you can just click the button and it will save the reference for you.   Grabs the metadata from PDAF or website or whatever, saves the metadata for you.  It also creates a file directory of all those documents. and then you can just use those over and over again. It is a fantastic tool: Again, You Tube’s great resource for that sort of thing. So, go and have a look at that. But it needs to be Harvard.  OK. Even if you do it manually, it needs to be Harvard. Make sure that you do this well, your work.

Now, this is in bold. And I tell it. So, this is really important. Your work should pay specific attention to how your existing brand equity and brand elements or brand assets can be leveraged to successfully launch a new brand extension.  Now, this is really what we’re looking for throughout this document.

How are you going to leverage the brand equity that your brand already has?Again, we’re going talk about Rand Equity Week three in detail, but how can you leverage the brand equity that your brand already has and the brand assets that your brand has to successfully launched this brand extension? This is really the focus of this work, and that’s what you should be discussing throughout the document. OK.

 That is the report. That is the individual report, two thousand five hundred words. Seventy five percent.

Part B is the individual reflection. That’s twenty five percent. And it is 750 words in total. But we do have a couple of things that we need to do throughout the semester to do this successfully. Hopefully in week eleven at the end of the semester. Hopefully, that will be your deadline for this assignment. Whenever that deadline is, you are going to submit one document It is going to have your report.  Probably your references for the report and then your reflection and all the evidence that needs to be included in that reflection and then probably a reference list for your reflection as well.  But that is all one document that is going to be submitted by the deadline. I will let you know that we will confirm at a later date.  But that reflection part is made up of evidence from activities and tasks that you have carried out throughout the semester.  OK. And so, let me let me let us get into that little bit here.

The first part of the reflection is a screenshot of your discussion forum post containing your mind map that was submitted to Blackboard before 5:00 p. m. on Friday of week four.  OK. So, by Friday of week four and were going to be discussing this in the tutorials, you need to submit a mind map to the discussion forum.  I’m going to show you how to do that as well. You go to the discussion forum, create a new post. That’s all she had to do. And you upload your mind map and it needs to include your mind map needs to include the brand name and extension idea.  Right. And this is what we’re going to be doing in the tutorials.  And week one needs to include the brand audit framework factors, which were going to do in week two. And it also needs to include the brand equity drivers and framework factors for your brand in week three. If you’re going to do the tutorials So week one, you’re going to do the activity in the tutorial week to you’re going to the activity in the tutorial, week three, you’re going to do the activity and the tutorial. And then a week four by Friday at five p.m.  you are going to upload a screenshot to the of your mind map that you have created in those three tutorials to the discussion forum on Blackboard.  And then a week six, you are going to submit a two hundred words of feedback. 

On the discussion forum, reply to another student’s forum posts with two hundred words of feedback on their mind map before five p. m. on Friday.  A week since your feedback should consider the merits of their extension idea for the brand they have chosen.  Isn’t it clear? Is it clearly a brand or category extension? What are strengths and weaknesses of their audit and equity framework factors? And is there anything they should emphasize or anything that they should include? So, you are goanna write 200 words.  You are going to reply to their discussion forum, and you are going to write 200 words of feedback based on their mind map. Please make sure that you are choosing someone who doesn’t already have feedback. I don’ t want to see one student has two or three students submit, you know, giving them feedback on their work.  And then there are people without any feedback. If someone already has feedback, I’ll choose that one to someone else.  Give them two words of feedback on what they’ve done All right. You don’ t have to do.  You don‘t have to implement the feedback that someone gives you. Right. But you need to reflect on that feedback later on.

So Section three of the reflection, this should include 750 words of reflection on your learning on this module and how this has impacted on the decisions you’ve made regarding the content you’ve included and the analysis that you have carried out. You should consider the models, academic theories and any examples or case studies you have used to inform the decisions that you have made, and this is in bold, why these were the most appropriate. So why have you used the models and frameworks and theories that you’ve used in your work?And why were these the most important? Why were they the most appropriate? You should also reflect on the peer feedback that you receive on the discussion forums,though you do not necessarily need to follow the recommendations from the peer feedback. So, if someone says to you, like, you should scrap, this idea is rubbish. You don’ t have to do that. But you do need to reflect on that feedback that they have given you as a part of your reflection in carrying out the exercise of reflection. You are also encouraged to utilize called learning cycle or gibs reflective cycle.  OK, so weak four discussion forum. You are going to submit your mind map of all the activities you have done in four weeks, one to three weeks, six. You are going to go into a discussion forum and you’re going to put in two hundred words of feedback on someone else’s forum post.  You got two weeks there. You do not have to wait two weeks. You can do it at any point.  But by week six, Friday, if IPA, you need to do your two-minute words of feedback for another students’ forum post.  You got two weeks there. You do not have to wait two weeks. You can do it at any point. But by week six, Friday, if IPA, you need to do your two-minute words of feedback for another student’s forum post.  When you come to submit this document at the end of the semester, you are going to take a screenshot of what you did in week four.  You’re going to take another screenshot of what you did in week six of screenshot of your forum post and week four, screenshot of your feedback in week six. You are going to include those screenshots in your document.  Then you are going to write 750 words as discussed right here. So hopefully that is clear. How it going to work? I am going to show you on a blackboard how to how to do that in a moment.

So hopefully that is clear. How it going to work? I am going to show you on a blackboard how to how to do that in a moment.

So the marking criteria are here for you, Brand? It is 15 percent. But more detail, product and service idea, a consumer insight brand proposition.  Twenty five percent. The brand execution is 15 percent. Measurement and inclusion is 10 percent.  Overall presentation is 10 percent, and the reflection is twenty five percent. So that is what hopefully clear to you how the marks are broken down. And then ‘ve got a full marking criteria right here.

Well just talk about the first, because I am sure that that is what everyone is aiming for. Evidence is excellent research from a range of, well, reference sources with excellent focus on key and relevant information.  That is student shows an excellent ability to extract more information. So, brand audit summarized analysis of the key factors identified through carrying out a brand audit.  This is what we are looking for. Okay, this is what you will be marked against.  When we do our marking, we have this marking criteria in front of us and we’re looking at your work.  and we’re measuring you and your work against this document right here. So if you have any questions about how these marks are going to be allocated or you know about your assignment, should I do this?   Should it be that this is where you come have a look here. and then if you’re still unclear, come and ask us about it in the tutorials. OK. So have a read through those criteria. make sure you’re clear on what is required there. Final point on this before we move to Blackbaud to show you how to do the upload for the discussion forum,and the feedback is we are trying to give you a tool box to go into your careers with a proverbial tool box, to go into your tool, to your careers.  So please don’t ask us, you know, what model, what framework, what theory should I utilize in which section?I know some of your module leaders and your other modules will be telling you how to do that. Exactly how to do that. Work models to put where we are not going to do that. You have got to make some decisions about what you think is the right model to use in the right section. You can do that by looking at this marketing criteria. This should be really helpful for you to understand.  And you know, the assessment brief at the top, there should be really clear on what it is that you need to do.  So, you know, don’t ask us whether you need a perceptual map here or present from where should we put the perceptual maps?  It’s really up to you to make those decisions. This is part of final your undergraduate work.  And that’s what we’re expecting you to do, is to be able make some decisions about what you think is the right model and framework to use at the right time in the right place.

  Let us look now at Blackbaud and exactly how you are going to submit your discussion forum posts. I am pretty sure you all know your way around Blackbaud here, but I will just quickly show you kind of where things are at.  On this module, your announcements are going to be here when I do post announcement.  I do try to make sure that it even gets emailed to you as well.  But it is worth coming back and checking on the announcements every now and then module information and overview.  I have got to intro my video to the module here. Hopefully, you have seen that already and you know, you read through the handbook. That is something that you need to do week one anyway. So hopefully you are doing that in the study units are here.  And each week, you know, we will start to show up as we go.  But each week you have got a video. Sorry, a folder here that has got all the videos in it for what we are covering each session.   It is also really helpful if you watch the videos before your tutorial. I know I have got some tutorials on Monday and I think some and the other tutors do as well. So, it’s important that you watch these ahead of time. So, if you’ve got a Monday session.  It’s probably worth watching the lectures before that tutorial. So watch him in the previous week Make sure you re a week ahead so that when you get to the tutorials, you know what you’re doing.

We are not going to be repeating the lectures and the tutorials. you have got to make sure that you re you are up to speed.  But these are the individual activities that you are going to carry out in your own time. So, this one here, it is five minutes.  Watch this video click here. Make sure you are logged into LinkedIn, learning through the library, and you can click on that and watch that. Twenty-five minutes reading through the module handbook, making sure you are familiar with how things are going to work there.  And then at the end of each week, you’ll see that there’s a tutorial activity and that ‘ s the activity that you’re going to carry out with your tutor during the online tutorials.  So. And it even says that for you there, so you don ‘ t need to jump into this now. But that is what you’d be doing with your tutor during that session. Then you’ve got your core reading. This is the textbook. There’s no online version of this. You can even buy this text.  Obviously, you don’t need the current edition, which is the fourth edition from 2018.  You can get the previous versions of previous editions. They’re a lot cheaper on Amazon.  It’s really only the case studies that get updated that often. Sometimes it’s a new journal, articles in there.  But I’ll you know; those are all in the reading list for you anyway. So, you do not necessarily need that.  Men have got additional reading for you here, too. So. That’s kind of the breakdown of the modules and the study units each started study units each week.  And you’ve got the assignments and right here in this section,

you will have the assignment brief that will be uploaded there for you to be able to see what you need to do.  I will put that up as soon as I finish recording this video. And then you have got the discussion board. And this is where in week four, you are going to need to click on the discussion board, come through and you’ll see here that there is a mind map to put on my map Create thread, and this is where you need to include, it says, by 5:00 p. m. on Friday, a week for post a screenshot of your mind map,Create thread, and this is where you need to include, it says, by 5:00 p. m. on Friday, a week for post a screenshot of your mind map, which should include your brand name and extension idea with one brand audit framework factors to brand equity drivers framework Vectors Week three. So, in here, put your student ID. And here, put your student ID.

And then right here, you can click on Image or you can click on insert file. And you are going to go through this process browse from my computer. Click on the image that you have saved to your computer of your mind map and then insert that image and that will show up right here. And then you click on submit, And you’ll come back to the discussion board and you’ll see that there is a, you know, another post here that is your thread that you’ve created.  You also will need to. Once that threat is created. So l just make one up here. Submit that

You will see those threads. They are now available. What you need to do when this is done is once those are all submitted by week four, you will be able to see loads of them here and you’ll be able to click on one of them. And if there are no replies, then click on that. If there’s a reply, go to the next one, because I don’t want to see feedback from multiple people. I’ll see this one and I’ll reply to it. This is someone else’s work. Now I’ m going to reply to their work in this message box. I’m going to write 200 words of feedback. And I’m going to answer those specific questions that we that we talked about. Blah, blah, blah. OK. And then I’m gonna submit that. And now I’ve got this.

So then by the end of the semester, when it’s time to submit my final piece of work and remember to come back here, take a screenshot of the post that I made. Right. and include that in my reflection section. Take a screenshot of the post that I made related to the feedback that I provided for someone else

So I have to go back and find my feedback. Take a screenshot of that and include it in the reflection. And then as a part of the 750 words you have to write for your reflection, you need to reflect on the feedback that you got on your work. And how did you use that? Did you use it? And if you did, how? And if not, why?Why did you use it? So, these are things that we want you to be thinking about as it relates to the discussion forms.  Hopefully, that is clear on that. If you have any questions about it, please do ask in the tutorials, And hopefully the assignment is clear for you as well. So please bring your questions to the tutorials. We look forward to working with you. And we will see you soon.

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