Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example

Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example

Week 7 instructions

Interview a master’s prepared nurse with leadership responsibilities nurse

Her position was recently created after a company re-organization. She is in charge over all Managerial level nurses in all units of the hospital— ICU, ER, IMC, MS and JRU

She reports to the Chief Nursing Executive/Chief Operating Officer (same person)

Her day to day duties include the attached


NOTES from interview—you have free range to make up/ add what you like

Analyze the leader’s role as it relates to a minimum of five of the major course concepts addressed

ethics in leadership

emotional intelligence- although she is young, she always demonstrates maturity.  She thinks before she speaks and she is always respectful in how she talks to people.  She has a good understanding that different people may react differently to hearing the same thing.  She has gained respect from all her peers by proving her work ethic over her years working as a bedside nurse and beyond. Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example

Leadership style- democratic style of leadership.  She welcomes ideas and opinions of others and she doesn’t have a problem for asking for help and delegating tasks when necessary

Communication- she has always been a fan of open communication during her entire career.  Having open communication and good communication skills with co-workers, patients, and patient’s families can help resolved conflicts as well as most likely avoid many conflicts

conflict resolution- she is very up-front in attempting to resolve conflicts between herself and others as well as between others. She approaches this in a non-threatening way. Depending on the conflict, she uses many different styles of conflict resolution and sometimes it may take a combination to resolve certain conflicts. She has found early in her career as a manager that avoidance is not a good way to settle disputes and it actually makes conflict worse, which boils over and affects patient care.  With others in conflict she acts as a mediator and listens to both parties to help reach a fair resolution between both parties. She utilizes negotiating, collaborating, conciliation, mediation and if needed, arbitration Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example

change theory

cultural competence/diversity-our hospital has a large subset of Pilipino nurses (both male and female) as well as a large Philipino patient population. She welcomes the Philipino point of view with delivery of competent patient care.  She also makes sure the Philipino point of view/culture is present in the management team

labor relations management- she has a very close and positive working relationship with all of the union representatives.  She attends monthly check-in meeting with the union and is open to all feedback. She frequently receives calls from the union leaders discussing and resolving issues as they arise.

leadership models,

management theory,

motivational theory- If she feels like she is losing focus or motivation she will take time for herself, grabs her “job journal” and “challenges herself”.   She asks herself what is her “Why” and puts it on paper to reflect back on. She can look back on her prior writings to see her past struggles and thoughts.  Doing this helps her to re-focus and get her motivation back.  She also suggests this to her peers that she feels are losing their passion for healthcare.

Nurse of the Future competencies,

interprofessional collaboration- New position within organization and is definitely open to collaborating with others in an equal position.  Perfect example of interprofessional collaboration has been with dealing with Covid-19. She has and is still in collaboration with several of the local hospitals and community leaders. There was also close collaboration with representatives from the Nevada Hospital Association, the Southern Nevada Health District and the CDC.

team building- It took a little time for her to adjust to her new role and was overwhelmed when she started.  She was asked to join several of the nurse managers to meet in cafeteria for lunch and was originally reluctant because she was so busy, but then realized it was a perfect way to meet/interact with her managers in a casual setting. This helped with building relationships and trust

Several years ago, the Chief Nursing officer of the organization had implemented the ASCEND program.  Several employees from the entire organization were invited by department managers to participate in this team building experience. They meet 3 times a year for a 2-day fun/learning group experience.

During the Covid-19 pandemic she has definitely noticed there has been bonding within our organization during this crisis.

Provide a narrative summary of your interviewee’s responses to each of the concepts (but not a verbatim account) of the interview. Incorporate references to provide support and analyze the concepts you discussed. Include your impression of congruence between the leader’s self-reflection and your personal observations of demonstrated leadership.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Comprehension: Introduce the leader, his or her credentials, title, job responsibilities, placement on the organizational chart/reporting responsibilities, education, experience, mentors, and pathway to their current role.
  • Application: Describe the predominate model/theory of leadership used by this leader. Describe their style of leadership.
  • Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify and illustrate the leader’s level of authority and influence within the organization. Discuss their sense of empowerment and efforts to empower others. Describe their intra- and extra-organizational responsibilities.
  • Compare your personal philosophy/style/model of leadership with this leader and share whether or not expectations/perceptions of this leader were accurate.
  • Evaluation: Summarize the leader’s behavior, strengths, successes, challenges, and weaknesses.

Paper should be 9–10 pages long, not counting cover page or references list, and should utilize at least 10 scholarly references


Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Total Points
Content of PaperThe writer demonstrates a well-articulated understanding of the subject matter in a clear, complex, and informative manner. The paper content and theories are well developed and linked to the paper requirements and practical experience. The paper includes relevant material that fulfills all objectives of the paper.Follows the assignment instructions around expectations for scholarly references. Uses scholarly resources that were not provided in the course materials.All instruction requirements noted.30 pointsThe writer demonstrates an understanding of the subject matter, and components of the paper are accurately represented with explanations and application of knowledge to include evidence-based practice, ethics, theory, and/or role. Course materials and scholarly resources support required concepts. The paper includes relevant material that fulfills all objectives of the paper.Follows the assignment instructions around expectations for scholarly references.All instruction requirements noted.26 pointsThe writer demonstrates a moderate understanding of the subject matter as evidenced by components of the paper being summarized with minimal application to evidence-based practice, theory, or role-development. Course content is present but missing depth and or development.Does not follow the assignment instructions around expectations for scholarly references. Only uses scholarly resources that were provided in the course materials.Most instruction requirements are noted.23 pointsAbsent application to evidence-based practice, theory, or role development. Use of course content is superficial.Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation.Content of paper is inaccurately portrayed or missing.Does not follow the assignment instructions around expectations for scholarly references. Does not use scholarly resources.Missing some instruction requirements.20 points30
Analysis and Synthesis of Paper Content and MeaningThrough critical analysis, the submitted paper provides an accurate, clear, concise, and complete presentation of the required content.Information from scholarly resources is synthesized, providing new information or insight related to the context of the assignment by providing both supportive and alternative information or viewpoints.All instruction requirements noted.30 pointsPaper is complete, providing evidence of further synthesis of course content via scholarly resources.Information is synthesized to help fulfill paper requirements. The content supports at least one viewpoint.All instruction requirements noted.26 pointsPaper lacks clarification or new information. Scholarly reference supports the content without adding any new information or insight. The paper’s content may be confusing or unclear, and the summary may be incomplete.Most instruction requirements are noted.23 pointsSubmission is primarily a summation of the assignment without further synthesis of course content or analysis of the scenario.Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation.Missing some instruction requirements.Submits assignment late.20 points30
Application of KnowledgeThe summary of the paper provides information validated via scholarly resources that offer a multidisciplinary approach.The student’s application in practice is accurate and plausible, and additional scholarly resource(s) supporting the application is provided.All questions posed within the assignment are answered in a well-developed manner with citations for validation.All instruction requirements noted.30 pointsA summary of the paper’s content, findings, and knowledge gained from the assignment is presented.Student indicates how the information will be used within their professional practice.All instruction requirements noted.26 pointsObjective criteria are not clearly used, allowing for a more superficial application of content between the assignment and the broader course content.Student’s indication of how they will apply this new knowledge to their clinical practice is vague.Most instruction requirements are noted.23 pointsThe application of knowledge is significantly lacking.Student’s indication of how they will apply this new knowledge to their clinical practice is not practical or feasible.Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation.Application of knowledge is incorrect and/or student fails to explain how the information will be used within their personal practice.Missing several instruction requirements.Submits assignment late.20 points30
OrganizationWell-organized content with a clear and complex purpose statement and content argument. Writing is concise with a logical flow of ideas.5 pointsOrganized content with an informative purpose statement and supportive content and summary statement. Argument content is developed with minimal issues in content flow.4 pointsPoor organization, and flow of ideas distract from content. Narrative is difficult to follow and frequently causes reader to reread work.Purpose statement is noted.3 pointsIllogical flow of ideas. Missing significant content. Prose rambles. Purpose statement is unclear or missing.Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation.No purpose statement.Submits assignment late.2 points5
APA, Grammar, and SpellingCorrect APA formatting with no errors.The writer correctly identifies reading audience, as demonstrated by appropriate language (avoids jargon and simplifies complex concepts appropriately).Writing is concise, in active voice, and avoids awkward transitions and overuse of conjunctions.There are no spelling, punctuation, or word-usage errors5 pointsCorrect and consistent APA formatting of references and cites all references used. No more than two unique APA errors.The writer demonstrates correct usage of formal English language in sentence construction. Variation in sentence structure and word usage promotes readability.There are minimal to no grammar, punctuation, or word-usage errors.4 pointsThree to four unique APA formatting errors.The writer occasionally uses awkward sentence construction or overuses/inappropriately uses complex sentence structure. Problems with word usage (evidence of incorrect use of thesaurus) and punctuation persist, often causing some difficulties with grammar. Some words, transitional phrases, and conjunctions are overused. Nurse Leadership Interview Essay ExampleMultiple grammar, punctuation, or word usage errors.3 pointsFive or more unique formatting errors or no attempt to format in APA.The writer demonstrates limited understanding of formal written language use; writing is colloquial (conforms to spoken language).The writer struggles with limited vocabulary and has difficulty conveying meaning such that only the broadest, most general messages are presented.Grammar and punctuation are consistently incorrect. Spelling errors are numerous.Submits assignment late.2 points5
Total Points

Nursing Leadership Interview


Nursing leaders are the driving force behind the day to day operations in a hospital setting. Their role is crucial in guiding their staff into achieving the vision of the institution and to achieve the best when it comes to patient care. Nursing leaders must be in a position to inspire others to work towards a common goal and therefore they must possess qualities such as integrity, be able to mentor, be a critical thinker, exercise honesty and have the courage to deliver on what is expected (Coonan, 2008). With the dynamic changes that are observed in the nursing world, a nurse leader must be well equipped and updated with the required knowledge to handle these dynamics for better results and to drive the team towards achieving the best quality services and patient care (Aij & Rapsaniotis, 2017). This paper will focus on a chosen nurse leader, their leadership style, level of authority, and influence within the organization and their areas of strengths and weaknesses in leadership.

The Leader, His or Her Credentials, Title, Job Responsibilities, And Pathway to Their Current Role

Our nursing leader of our focus is Jalyn McKelleb, a Senior Director of Nursing at Dignity Health, St. Rose Dominican, San Martin Campus, Las Vegas, NV. Her position which is under the supervision of the Chief Nursing Executive, was recently created after a company re-organization which show her being in charge over all managerial level nurses across all the units of the hospital, right from the ICU, ER, IMC, MS to JRU. Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example

Being a nurse by profession, Ms. Jalyn undertook her nursing undergraduate studies at Weber State University before proceeding for her masters of science in nursing leadership at Walden University. This is a true testimony that Ms. Jalyn is well equipped with the knowledge required for her position as a nurse leader which is crucial in decision making and giving direction to the team (Blake, 2015). Her rich experience in the nursing career and leadership positions held over the years gives her an upper hand in handling issues to do with team building, as well as interprofessional collaboration. As such, her career continues to brighten, coupled with rising positions in the nursing world.

Ms. Jalyn commitment to developing processes that deliver compassionate, patient-focused and high-quality care has seen her continued effort in building strong teams and encouraging interprofessional collaboration to achieve these aspects. Her dynamic skills both as a leader, educator, and nurse places her in an outstanding position where she can quickly adapt to the many situations that a hospital setting poses. Having a 13+ years in leadership position has provided her with ample experience and skills both on team building, conflict resolution and as well patient care services that can lead to the overall improvement of the services. as well as patient primary care (Coonan, 2008).

Her day to day duties includes meeting with charge nurses to discuss on the staffing and safety issues that are pressing or future plans. She also regularly meets with the administration to discuss current concerns. Every month, she is responsible for holding meetings with various departments including pharmacy, Professional Practice Committee (PPC) meetings, monthly staffing meetings, as well as monthly Union meetings. Other weekly meetings include the Covid-19 pandemic preparedness meeting with organization leaders and meetings with Physician Director for the routine update. For the organization’s operational purposes, Ms. Jalyn has to attend various daily meetings which may involve stakeholders such as the patient safety committee, CNO/COO and various departmental managers. This offers a chance for discussion of pressing matters relating to strategic growth, length of stay issues, budget, and productivity Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example. Furthermore, she is involved in overseeing various projects such as language services, policies, patient through-put, new Mental Health committee, and so on.

Ms. Jalyn is also involved with community initiatives to improve her socialization and community well-being. As such, she is a member of the Red Rose Regatta, San Martin Dragon boat team member. She also acts as a mentor for CSN Promise Scholarship and a volunteer for the boy scouts of America. In terms of professional affiliations, Ms. Jalyn is an active member of the American Association of Critical Care Nursing and also an American Nurse Association member. Apart from the membership, Ms. Jalyn is also a certified Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN) from 2005 to date.

Ms. Jalyn rich nursing experience in managerial and patient care has enabled her to oversee projects professionally, manage and supervise teams, deliver training, and manage operations. Her new role as a Senior Director of Nursing at Dignity Health, St. Rose Dominican, San Martin Campus, Las Vegas, NV will add to her spanning career and this is a clear indication that Ms. Jalyn leadership star will continue even to higher heights in the future as a leader of the nursing profession. Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example

The Predominate Model/Theory of Leadership Used by The Leader and Their Style of Leadership

Leadership involves commitment and showing direction for others to follow. It involves collaboration, as well as building teams through motivation and value creation. When it comes to nursing leadership, the leader must be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses for the proper planning of the leadership model and style adoption that fits the situation on the ground. For Ms. Jalyn, she adopts the transformational leadership model with a combination of the change theory in team management and interprofessional collaboration (Katz, 1996).

For the transformational model, the leader provides the direction that they believe that it best fits everyone on the board. This is however done in a motivating way for everyone to feel comfortable (Bottomley, et al., 2014). For Ms. Jalyn, bringing on the Pilipino culture on board and incorporating it in the management structure enables the large population of the Pilipino nurse at her organization to feel motivated and valued, which in turn increases the interprofessional collaboration, as well as assuring quality service for the best patient care.

On change theory, Ms. Jalyn adopts the Lewis change theory which states that there exist dynamic forces which act as resistance to change and thus require a proper model in curbing them. First, one must create awareness of the need for change, then introduce the change and finally execute it. Having a close relationship with the union representatives by attending monthly check-in meetings with the union and having an open to all feedback is a recipe that Ms. Jalyn has always used as part of good labor relations management Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example. By doing so, applying changes thus is met by a friendly force (The staff and their representatives) that embraces and adopts it without much hesitant (Aij & Rapsaniotis, 2017).                

For the leadership style, Ms. Jalyn has always embraced the democratic leadership style (Johansson, 2004). She does exercise these through welcoming ideas and opinions of others and she doesn’t have a problem for asking for help and delegating tasks when necessary. These create an open and free environment where staff feels valued and their contribution is taken into consideration, fostering a good relationship between the leader and the team (Coonan, 2008). This in turn translates to an improvement of quality service and best patient care for those who require it (Blake, 2015).

The Leader’s Level of Authority and Influence Within the Organization and Their Sense of Empowerment and Efforts to Empower Others

The leader’s level of authorization within an organization is largely measured by the responsibilities bestowed on them, position held, as well as the size of the teams within their jurisdiction. Ms. Jalyn is a Senior Director of Nursing at Dignity health, St. Rose Dominican, San Martin Campus, Las Vegas, NV and she oversees the overall nursing activities right from the ICU, ER, IMC, MS all the way to JRU. She is therefore in charge of the operations in all these areas and charge nurses are the immediate contacts that she deals with as they report to her. On the other hand, Ms. Jalyn reports to the Chief Nursing Executive, who is the overall operational manager within the institution.

As a nurse leader, Ms. Jalyn level of authority and influence within the organization is remarkable as nurse charges who report to her control the various units and they act as the drive force within these units. If units are non-functional, they transform these to the departments and then to the entire organization. The units’ proper function is thus vital to the overall service delivery, organizational operation, as well as the leadership and management functioning (Aij & Rapsaniotis, 2017) Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example.

On the matters to do with sense of empowerment and efforts to empower others, Ms. Jalyn has applied the interprofessional collaboration tactic with that of the team building to empower the staff to conquer the challenges brought in by the various clinical and social situations within the health facility setting (Casey, 2004). She gives out a perfect example of the latest COVID -19 pandemic which has brought in a new element of interprofessional collaboration which empowers the different professionals to fight with one spirit towards defeating this new menace in the world of healthcare. On team building, Ms. Jalyn has realized that a perfect way to meet and interact with her managers in a casual setting did actually assist in building relationships and trust. These strongly empowered the team and also strengthened the efforts to empower others (Toofany, 2007).

On the other hand, on a personal motivation phenomenon, Ms. Jalyn applies the motivational theory to empower her through getting her motivation back. Through the Hertzberg’s two factor theory of motivation, Ms. Jalyn can reflect back on the past struggles and thoughts which are mostly kept in writing with her personal journal (Sanjeev & Surya, 2016).  Doing this helps her to re-focus and get her motivation back.  She also suggests this to her peers that she feels are losing their passion for healthcare Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example. This means that her reflections empower her through rejuvenating her motivation as well as empowering others too (Blake, 2015). Her mentorship program for the CSN promise scholarship describes her extra-organizational responsibilities geared towards empowering the community.

Comparison of Personal Philosophy/Style/Model of Leadership with The Leader and The Expectations

Leaders apply different types of styles depending on their personal preference, leadership roles as well as situational demands. As an aspiring leader, especially in a healthcare setting, my personal philosophy in leadership has been freedom of communication, ethics, and democracy. These three aspects will mean that the entire leadership that I will exercise will be guided by these philosophies in order to fulfill my leadership goals as I inspire.

In the comparison of my leadership philosophy with that of Ms. Jalyn, they are similar in many ways, a fact that has even motivated me more, seeing a successful career that Ms. Jalyn has had in her over 25 years in nursing and over a decade in the leadership position. To begin with, Ms. Jalyn applies the democratic style of leadership which dictates that the ideas and opinions of others are welcome and a leader does not have a problem asking for help and delegating tasks whenever necessary (Aij & Rapsaniotis, 2017). As such, these truly matches with my leadership philosophy of exercising democracy in leadership.

What’s more, Ms. Jalyn has always preferred open communication with her co-workers. In her interview she narrated that having open communication and good communication skills with co-workers, patients, and patient’s families can help resolve conflicts, as well as most likely avoid many conflicts.  This aspect of the leadership model also matches with my second philosophy of freedom in communication.

Furthermore, Ms. Jalyn applies conflict resolution as another aspect of her leadership model. she is very up-front in attempting to resolve conflicts between herself and others as well as between others. She approaches this in a non-threatening way. Depending on the conflict, she uses many different styles of conflict resolution and sometimes it may take a combination to resolve certain conflicts (Ali & Mojbafan, 2019).  Acting as a mediator whenever conflict arises assists in reaching a fair resolution between the parties. She utilizes negotiating, collaborating, conciliation, mediation and if needed, arbitration to resolve conflicts. This is an indication that her aspect of ethical considerations in conflict resolution is the central guide to exercising her leadership role. As such, this matches with my third philosophy of ethical leadership in my personal leadership philosophy Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example.

As I expected, Ms. Jalyn leadership model is one to be admired and it is what I have always envied as I work towards developing a career in leadership. Ethics, freedom of communication, and democracy have been my three personal philosophies in leadership and Ms. Jalyn seem to have succeeded in all these three areas through a perfect application of her leadership style which leaves many in the career of nursing craving to achieve.

Summary of The Leader’s Behavior, Strengths, Successes, Challenges, And Weaknesses

Ms. Jalyn is first a go getter and she stops to nothing whenever a chance emerges. She is honest and hardworking and is ready to take up challenges. Her current position as a Senior Director of Nursing was recently created which carries responsibilities that have no prior reference within the organization but she took it with passion and moved on. This shows courage and commitment in leadership which are a true reflection of a good leader and as well, a motivation to others. Moreover, her success can be attributed to a rich experience in leading teams with over a decade in the leadership positions with achievements and full of praise from her teams and the administration (Coonan, 2008). What’s more, she is able to face challenges by finding solutions that are quick and within her reach. Conflict resolution strategies, team building and interprofessional collaboration have always been her pillar in tackling challenges that mostly the leadership in nursing faces (Ali & Mojbafan, 2019) Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example. Whenever the weakness occurred, either through loss of motivation or falling out with the team, there was always a way out that emanated from Ms. Jalyn leadership attributes of finding the motivation back and fostering a good working relationship. This is a true reflection of a leader ready to take the battlefront to realize the success of her team.


Nursing leadership is a complex career and requires courage, commitment, and art to maneuver the tricky managerial expectations that a leader is bestowed with. To be successful as a leader one has to learn the art of team building, interprofessional collaboration as well as good communication. These aspects must be backed up with ethics and honesty to succeed. For Ms. Jalyn, this was evident in that her career success was coupled with all these aspects and her star in nursing leadership continues to rise and the future looks even brighter on her side.


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Aij, K. H., & Rapsaniotis, S. (2017). Leadership requirements for Lean versus servant leadership in health care: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of healthcare leadership9, 1.

Bottomley, K., Burgess, S., & Fox,Moses, I.,II. (2014). Are the behaviors of transformational leaders impacting organizations? A study of transformational leadership. International Management Review, 10(1), 5-9,66 Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example.

Blake, N. (2015). The nurse leaderʼs role in supporting healthy work environments. AACN     Advanced Critical Care, 26(3), 201-203.

Casey, C. (2004). Bureaucracy re-enchanted? spirit, experts and authority in organizations: The

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Johansson, O. (2004). Introduction: Democracy and leadership – or training for democratic

leadership. Journal of Educational Administration, 42(6), 620-624.

Katz, J. H. (1996). Models of management: Work, authority, and organization in a comparative

perspective. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 49(2), 367.

Sanjeev, M. A., & Surya, A. V. (2016). Two factor theory of motivation and satisfaction: An

empirical verification. Annals of Data Science, 3(2), 155-173.

Toofany, S. (2007). Team building and leadership: The key to recruitment and retention. Nursing

Management (through 2013), 14(1), 24-7. Nurse Leadership Interview Essay Example.

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